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After a long break of shakes, I'm back to destroying jugs of this.

Bars in New York give out those goddamn subway map printed condoms, to be all catchy and shit. All I'm saying is, New Yorkers have small dicks. FUCK
Trust me, I've met plenty of people who can't use an audio interface, even if they are taught how it works. Even worse, one of my friends, who studies computer based recording engineering at school, told me her interface didn't work since she had a mac, but had always worked fine on a PC, I went over to her place to try to figure out what the problem was, I just went to M-Audio's website, downloaded the drivers, installed the damn interface, and guess what, it works now. lol

well yeah but that interface didnt make any sound anyway, but how can you set it up to sound worse than yours?
Nice score! But you know, TS9 pedals don't really shine as a boost/distortion piece, they're best used to tighten up the signal and focus the mids more. i.e, you get the best effect out of them on an amp that has more than enough gain.[/QUOTE]

Yea, that is how I was using my TS9, level up, gain down, tone to taste. It works great for what it is, but IMO it colors the tone a little bit too much and cuts too much bass. It was a perfect match for my old amp though.

Now I have a new amp which already has a strong mid range to it, so I needed a pedal that was more transparent and the OCD is exactly that. Plus it can overdrive my clean channel better than the TS9. It works even better as a boost on the lead channel. It adds so many overtones and the sustain is just rediculous. I really didn't think it would be that much different than the TS9, but I was really impressed when I plugged it in. Haven't been blown away by an OD pedal in a loooooong time. Oh, it is also the most silent pedal I have ever owned. I swear it makes the amp quieter when I turn the pedal on.

Anyways, if you ever see one I highly suggest you give it a try.
It's pricey, but the taste and protein shits are amazing. You can find something cheaper that does the same thing. I just can't stand that chemical taste most protein shakes have, especially when they sweeten with aspartame/pure cancer.
Oh our perfect government wouldn't allow the FDA to approve something that turns into formaldehyde in our bodies once digested if it were bad for us...would they?

I advise anyone and everyone to stay away from anything with aspartame in it.
It's pricey, but the taste and protein shits are amazing. You can find something cheaper that does the same thing. I just can't stand that chemical taste most protein shakes have, especially when they sweeten with aspartame/pure cancer.

I was just wondering lol, I'm not going to try protein stuff for a few years yet, barring whey

Oh our perfect government wouldn't allow the FDA to approve something that turns into formaldehyde in our bodies once digested if it were bad for us...would they?

I advise anyone and everyone to stay away from anything with aspartame in it.

Preaching to the choir dude.
arghhhh I hate aspartame's taste... It's like you feel the cancer growing instantly

All that synthetic sugar makes your brain think it's getting sugar and when it doesn't you crave sugar even more.

Ever noticed how most people with a diet drink in their hand also have some big piece of sugar hit to go along with it?

They also think, sacrifice some sugar with the drink, splurge out on more junk.

It makes people fatter.

I've noticed that too. One of the main reasons I avoid diet stuff and sugar-free gum, is that I get so incredibly hungry afterwards. Happens each and every time, without fail :/
Another thing I've noticed, is that generally people who drink diet soda regularly, tend to get very addicted to it. Doesn't sound very healthy at all
Just got my package from, and jesus christ.. Remember kids, when ordering shirts from america, order one size smaller than you use, or even two sizes.. This thing is like a fucking tent, holy shit lol
Remember kids, when ordering shirts from america, order one size smaller than you use, or even two sizes..

It's called vanity sizing, must've come in when their population got fatter.

I scored this one and it was at least a size larger however if you get a vintage shirt from the US they're at least a size smaller.


The best way is to ask them to lay the shirt flat and get a measurement from armpit to armpit, then compare it with your best fitting shirt.

^That's a cool shirt! Reminds me of Clockwork Orange. Edit: Nevermind, it is :lol:

I've also noticed North American sizing is inconsistent. I have shirt ranging from small to large that fit about the same. Designer clothing fit truer to your actual body shape.