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Got this sucka last I pitty the neighbors


2x12 w/ V30's
I finally got to play with it last night....sounds worlds better than my Bugera 4x12. Better and clearer thump, mids for days, and smooth highs...couldn't be happier for paying only $250.00 for it, plus it was 3 years old so I don't have to break any speakers in.

And fuck the neighbor lady!!! I don't give a shit if she hates me. She's afraid to even look at me when I see her outside...I guess I scared her with all my shred.

I would love to record it w/ my amp but I have no recording software, but it does sound pretty nice. Today after work i get to crank it up and really see what she sounds like. It will be wall shattering epicness.
I would love to record it w/ my amp but I have no recording software, but it does sound pretty nice. Today after work i get to crank it up and really see what she sounds like. It will be wall shattering epicness.

1. Acquire SM57 and small mic-stand.
2. Download Reaper (it's "free")
3. ??????
4. Remuneration!!!