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nah I dont say its shit :D but do you use the guns in any way? car modding = modding a car which you (can) drive, thats why I ask :)
Slick, good choice of specs there

Do you intend to use it for varmint hunting too, considering the carbine length, or is it purely a range queen? ;P

Not so much for any hunting, if anything I would go hog hunting as that is what our "varmint" here in FL are.

It's more for home defense and guns are my 2nd hobby after guitars. Me and my lady go to the range as often as possible. We have 3-4 to choose from around here.

I have my bolt action WWII rifle(Mosin Nagant), my pistol(Glock 22), my shotgun(Mossberg 500), so I felt it was just time for me to get the AR-15 out of the way. Before the UN takes over America and I loose my right to bear arms. It's a very fun gun to shoot, and they can be very accurate in the right hands.

I was taught in the military to shoot very well with an M16 and a 240B, so since I can't legally have a 240B I could at least get the civilian equivilant to the M16 and keep my skiils up to par.

@Ensi...the Pirate one is prety cool, but I have been waiting for a long time to see the Punisher one at a gun was the last one when I got there so I had to scoop it up.

@Snowy....if I would have had this gun 4-5 years ago I could have already shot a few people or at least scared them off....caught them breaking into my car at 3 a.m. and all I can do is watch them through the window until the police show up.....not a good feeling. If I had my AR15 or any gun for that matter, things would have been a lot different. Would I have shot them? Only if they forced me to do so by trying to attack me. Nothing, IMO, is a waste of money if it can one day save my life or my families lfe. It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

Oh, and if it matters, my lower wasn't painted like the one in the pic I posted. Mine had no paint and I added Flat OD Green paint to all the markings except the fire markings which were done in Flat Dark Red. All that white paint is a little to flashy for me.
Sounds like a good buy then yeah, and do post pictures when you assemble it :D
And I doubt the UN can do shit about guns in america, USA needs to ratify that to make it have any effect on US soil, and I can't really see that happening lol
if I would have had this gun 4-5 years ago I could have already shot a few people or at least scared them off....caught them breaking into my car at 3 a.m. and all I can do is watch them through the window until the police show up.

:lol: dude you can't shoot people breaking into your car, you'll end up in jail.

Yelling at them usually scares them off, most car thieves are just punks and if they know someone is watching them they'll usually run away because they don't want the cops after them.

You'd be best to assess the situation, if they really look like trouble, showing your gun could result in them pulling guns out and taking shots at you.

Get a car alarm, if you really like your car get a GPS tracker and let the cops know where they've taken it.

:lol: dude you can't shoot people breaking into your car, you'll end up in jail.

Yelling at them usually scares them off, most car thieves are just punks and if they know someone is watching them they'll usually run away because they don't want the cops after them.

You'd be best to assess the situation, if they really look like trouble, showing your gun could result in them pulling guns out and taking shots at you.

Get a car alarm, if you really like your car get a GPS tracker and let the cops know where they've taken it.


Dude... No robbers pull guns after having a gun pulled on them, and even if they attempt to, thats when you shoot them and you're legally in right to do so(especially by Florida laws, castle doctrine/stand your ground).

He definitely won't end up in jail for that.
Dude... No robbers pull guns after having a gun pulled on them

Nobody would be stupid enough.. you'd think

How many cops with their guns drawn have ended up shot in gunfights?

Is he going to stand there with gun pointed at them the whole time till police arrive? Cops also don't view highly on that.

He has a gun on one person, their buddy waiting in a car down the road arrives pointing a gun at him and will more than likely shoot before getting his attention.

There's endless scenarios.

The scenario you described, yes he can shoot them as it's a measure of 'reasonable force'. If they discover the guy was reaching into his pocket for a tissue instead of a could go either way... depending on how black he was. :lol:

Excuse me, but who is the person with military experience and who is the person who can't live without wikipedia as a brain extension?

Just checking.
Excuse me

I've dealt with guys breaking into cars, not so long ago in fact, most of them are pussies that won't commit real crimes, lol. The last thing they want is confrontation, parked cars don't fight back.

I also grew up with a few friends that turned into car thieves, hung out with them and won't say too much but they spent considerable time in jail so I know what they're like.

I've dealt with guys breaking into cars, not so long ago in fact, most of them are pussies that won't commit real crimes, lol.[3][4] The last thing they want is confrontation, parked cars don't fight back.[4]

I also grew up with a few friends that turned into car thieves, hung out with them and won't say too much but they spent considerable time in jail so I know what they're like.[5][6]


The scenario you described, yes he can shoot them as it's a measure of 'reasonable force'. If they discover the guy was reaching into his pocket for a tissue instead of a could go either way... depending on how black he was. :lol:



If he FEELS he's justified to blast your face with lead because you put your hand into your pocket to get your gum out on his property, then he is. The judge won't even flinch if he hears you were just searching for gum. You were on his property, you shouldn't do something that could be interpreted as reaching for a gun. In that situation, it's legally your own fault you were shot and killed. We're talking about USA here, more specifically southern USA. You could literally shoot a person in the back as he's running off your property, carrying stolen property or not, and you'll get off scott free. Such is the castle doctrine, and it's got nothing to do with police gunfights.
It's just important to remember to kill the person if you do shoot.
If the person is dead, his family can't sue you due to how the castle doctrine protects you legally. If he survives, he can sue you for medical bills and emotional distress. Always shoot to kill :p
Wow so glad I dont live in the USA :D What a fucked up law, especially the part where the thug sues you.