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You were on his property

My mistake I assumed he was breaking into a car parked on the street - public property.

It takes a brazen car thief to enter property unless it's unoccupied, though we do get the occasional home invasion and they can be quite nasty. One case three masked men with baseball bats demanding the keys or they'd break his legs, the car was some rare Mitsubishi Evo.

You could literally shoot a person in the back as he's running off your property, carrying stolen property or not, and you'll get off scott free.

There's some things I really like about the USA. :lol:

We had a security guard here put through the ringer, she shot a guy in the back, granted he had just broken into the place and was fleeing but the law here states you can't plea self defence if you're not actually defending yourself.

Wow so glad I dont live in the USA :D What a fucked up law, especially the part where the thug sues you.

We have that here too, it's so bad they could probably even sue you if they slipped on your wet floor and hurt their back though you'd have to be pretty hurt for any judge to take that seriously.

My mistake I assumed he was breaking into a car parked on the street - public property.

Depending on the state, the car could be considered private property in the same way as a house is, and thus anyone trying to break into the car, can be treated as in a home invasion. No idea if Florida is one of those though
Depending on the state, the car could be considered private property in the same way as a house is, and thus anyone trying to break into the car, can be treated as in a home invasion.

You know a lot about the US for a Norwegian, I commend you for that.

Here a car theft is such a minor crime, it happens so often the crims have to get caught quite a few times before they'd spend any time inside. Breaking into a car is not even classed as break and enter it's like petty theft or malicious damage if a lock was broken and nothing taken.

A home invasion is treated by the courts worse than an armed hold up so they throw the book at you but courts still have an issue if you defend yourself. A guy in one of our martial art schools woke to find four guys in his room, he had his practice sword handy and put that through one of them before they scattered. He had to go through the courts, they did treat him like the criminal and was eventually let off because the sword was a practice sword and blunt and it was later discovered there were 6 more guys waiting outside so it was seen as 'reasonable force'.

We have that here too, it's so bad they could probably even sue you if they slipped on your wet floor and hurt their back though you'd have to be pretty hurt for any judge to take that seriously.


well lol I'm too hippish for that shit, glad no one here can legally carry weapons. of course there are shootings but it I think the whole killing someone for stealing something shit goes too far.

A home invasion is treated by the courts worse than an armed hold up so they throw the book at you but courts still have an issue if you defend yourself. A guy in one of our martial art schools woke to find four guys in his room, he had his practice sword handy and put that through one of them before they scattered. He had to go through the courts, they did treat him like the criminal and was eventually let off because the sword was a practice sword and blunt and it was later discovered there were 6 more guys waiting outside so it was seen as 'reasonable force'.


hahaha :D shit, forget what I said, thats mad, shoot them suckers.
I knew bringing up shooting would cause a big debate on here.

Let me clear a few things up. If a criminal is running, after he is scared by home owner with gun, you cannot shoot him in the back. You will go to jail for that. But if he is on your property and poses a threat to your safety you have every right to blow his/her fucking head off.

If car is on public property you can still shoot them if they try to hurt you. If I pull my pistol and they stop or run I can't legally do anything except try to follow them. Even at that point I would need proof they were breaking into my car.

We are not all gun crazy here in the US. Although I do think it is very important for us to be allowed to have the right to own guns. I would really hate to live in a country were guns are not allowed in civilian hands. At that point the gov., IMO, has too much control. What are the people to do if the gov. can't keep the peace or if some other country tries to invade? I know it's not very likely to happen, but what if? One reason the USA has never been invaded is other countries know we have millions of civilians with firearms. They would be stupid to try a ground assault on US soil.
I knew bringing up shooting would cause a big debate on here.

Let me clear a few things up. If a criminal is running, after he is scared by home owner with gun, you cannot shoot him in the back. You will go to jail for that. But if he is on your property and poses a threat to your safety you have every right to blow his/her fucking head off.

Actually.. Not if you live in texas apparently :lol:

We are not all gun crazy here in the US. Although I do think it is very important for us to be allowed to have the right to own guns. I would really hate to live in a country were guns are not allowed in civilian hands. At that point the gov., IMO, has too much control. What are the people to do if the gov. can't keep the peace or if some other country tries to invade? I know it's not very likely to happen, but what if? One reason the USA has never been invaded is other countries know we have millions of civilians with firearms. They would be stupid to try a ground assault on US soil.

The biggest problem is that removal of guns in civilian hands, gives an impression that this removes all gun crime. The UK is a prime example on why this isn't the case, but theres not much we could say i guess. At least not over here in Norway. We were working on several revisions of the current gun laws in order to open it up more, but with the recent mass murder case, it's probably gonna go in the other direction. If people could CCW on that island, he'd probably not last more than a couple of minutes.
In reality, not even the cop that was there carried a gun.

Ya know, guns kill, and are evil. :hotjump:
Actually.. Not if you live in texas apparently :lol:

The biggest problem is that removal of guns in civilian hands, gives an impression that this removes all gun crime. The UK is a prime example on why this isn't the case, but theres not much we could say i guess. At least not over here in Norway. We were working on several revisions of the current gun laws in order to open it up more, but with the recent mass murder case, it's probably gonna go in the other direction. If people could CCW on that island, he'd probably not last more than a couple of minutes.
In reality, not even the cop that was there carried a gun.

Ya know, guns kill, and are evil. :hotjump:

This is what all the anti-gun people think here as well. They think if they remove guns there will be no crime. That's true if everyone follows the law. But the guy who is already breaking a law by stealing, murder, rape,'nt going to just leave his guns at home now because of a new gun law. He is already breaking a law so what does he care? All it will do is take guns out of law abiding citizens hands. Giving the criminal even more of a chance. If that ever happened I bet you would see lots of people walking around with swords. LOL

A gun doesn't just point it self at someone and the trigger magically pulls and kill someone.

My favorite: I carry a gun because a cop weighs too much.

But, I don't want to get started now on LE and there lack of ability to do anything but hand out speeding tickets, and seatbelt violations. What a waste of tax payers money.

We should just start a firearms thread in th OT.
Let me clear a few things up. If a criminal is running, after he is scared by home owner with gun, you cannot shoot him in the back. You will go to jail for that. But if he is on your property and poses a threat to your safety you have every right to blow his/her fucking head off..

I applaud you for knowing a bit about the rules of self defence, however you only have the right to shoot if an attacker is advancing on you, i.e. the threat is immediate and imminent.

There is also what they call 'reasonable force'. Some will say a gun against an unarmed man isn't, however each case is analysed on its merits and if you were in fear for your life and the evidence points that you would've been killed or there was a possibility of serious injury if you didn't shoot, yes then shooting would be valid.

If I pull my pistol and they stop or run I can't legally do anything except try to follow them..
Why would you even bother? Once the threat is gone it could be seen as aggravating a situation. All you need is their number plates/make of vehicle, the advice would be to call the cops and let them do their work. Quite often they will catch them somewhere else.

. I would really hate to live in a country were guns are not allowed in civilian hands...
Believe me it's not all that bad.

One reason the USA has never been invaded is other countries know we have millions of civilians with firearms.

Erm, I think it's got to do with your military firepower, :lol: Afghanistan also has millions of civilians with heavy firearms, (they even have RPG's and shit) and it hasn't stopped other countries invading it.

Australia is one country that doesn't allow civilians to carry firearms, yes gun crimes still happen. We were going quite well for a long time due to our isolation being an island but now we're getting a lot of guns smuggled in from China and FFS bikie gangs are becoming more prevalent. In the old days bikies had to start at the bottom and work their way up through the ranks, now many of them are entering with significant rank and it's not as white as it used to be, a lot of bikers these days are Lebanese or South Pacific Islanders (due to their size they're used to protect the Lebs who need to fight in gangs :lol: I guess they're our equivalent to Mexicans). We even have one MC where the members don't even ride :rolleyes: they're just a bunch of drug dealing thugs/terrorists.

History shows that a band of truly 'untrained' civilians defeated a British military to win independence. We call it the American Revolution.

Pretty much how Amercia gained it's independence from Britain.

But I am no history buff, so correct me if I am wrong.

The truth is no country will ever successfully invade US soil. Unless they drop nukes first. LOTS of nukes.
They also had brilliant ex-British commanders and a lot of guns.

Americans need to learn that nobody and I mean NOBODY from ANY other country cares the slightest bit about the War of Independence, or the fact that they won, and people just roll their eyes whenever they mention it. USA is a spent power anyway, now the Chinese overlords will grow fat from money earned by OUR labour because in a few years the US won't be able to afford the military might it's had and will stop being the World Police and go back to being weird inbred isolationists like they used to be.

haters gonna hate
Americans need to learn that nobody and I mean NOBODY from ANY other country cares the slightest bit about the War of Independence, or the fact that they won, and people just roll their eyes whenever they mention it.

:lol: ..because it's true.

Australian looks at calendar, it's 4th of July... pfft nobody here cares! :lol:

USA is a spent power anyway, now the Chinese overlords will grow fat from money earned by OUR labour

Not entirely true, they're invading countries on a horrible scale, plundering the world's resources to fuel their factories, selling cheap products because the labour is cheap .....because it's made by Chinese 'slaves'.

Yeah, Europe was the superpower in the 19th century, the USA was in the 20th and it now looks that China will be a force to be reckoned with this century.

4th July goes almost unnoticed but oddly St. Patrick's day is getting big down here, not sure why but with all the Irish pubs sprouting around the place it's a good excuse for them to put on a bash.

Not an official public holiday though some will take the day off work to spend in the pub wearing a silly green hat.

Oh yeah, a lot if not most white Australians have Irish heritage but if you ask them they consider themselves Australian, they wouldn't even know a word of Gaelic so it's not like they feel proud to be Irish.

They also had brilliant ex-British commanders and a lot of guns.

Americans need to learn that nobody and I mean NOBODY from ANY other country cares the slightest bit about the War of Independence, or the fact that they won, and people just roll their eyes whenever they mention it. USA is a spent power anyway, now the Chinese overlords will grow fat from money earned by OUR labour because in a few years the US won't be able to afford the military might it's had and will stop being the World Police and go back to being weird inbred isolationists like they used to be.

haters gonna hate

You just added to what I said earlier......"a lot of guns"...which was my point to begin with as to why an invasion on US soil won't happen...a lot of guns in civilian hands.

I never said anyone has to care. He asked for information so I provided some.

You think I like the fact that we have to put our finger in everybody’s situation because they can't handle it themselves? You forget that they ask for our assistance. If it were up to me we would stay put and let all the other countries with problems die off. I call it population control. If you can't handle your own shit....then bye bye.

And I know nobody else cares about the 4th of July. That is an American holiday. Just like you guys in other countries prob have your own holidays, which we don't give a shit about. :lol:....because it's true
"a lot of guns"...which was my point to begin with as to why an invasion on US soil won't happen...a lot of guns in civilian hands.

Yes, it's the guns in civilian hands, not your nuclear weapons, missiles, fighter jets, battleships, submarines, army, national guard, marines, girl scouts, etc. :lol: ^ dreamer :rolleyes:.

All those guns and you still can't stop the Mexicans invading. :lol:

Yes, it's the guns in civilian hands, not your nuclear weapons, missiles, fighter jets, battleships, submarines, army, national guard, marines, girl scouts, etc. :lol: ^ dreamer :rolleyes:.

All those guns and you still can't stop the Mexicans invading. :lol:


If ground troops from another country invaded us do you really think we would drop nukes and missiles on our own population? Maybe, but you never know. It would be a battle of arms.

And Mexico isn't invading us for control, otherwise would would be aloud to shoot them on site the minute they cross our borders. Trust me...we could stop them, but unless we have the go ahead from our government we will go to jail for shooting, I mean stopping them.

Were we not just talking about gun laws earlier and when and when you can't shoot at someone? Someone crossing the border is not a direct threat against someones life so if we shot them we would go to jail. I'm pretty sure that we you and I who were talking about that.