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If ground troops from another country invaded us do you really think we would drop nukes and missiles on our own population?

No, you'd pick them out of the water & sky before they hit your shores and if they did make it ashore, just like you did to the Japanese who invaded you'd keep nuking their country to show them what for.

It's why the Koreans, Russians, etc. won't invade or strike the US, not because your civilians have guns.

We're allies with the USA, our civilians don't carry guns but we don't get invaded because our US slaves will protect us.

I was being facetious about the Mexicans. :lol:

By the way, I'm on your side, I'd love to have a gun.

I was more getting at once they are already on US soil, if they made it that far.

About nukes....I really don't know what the US would do at that point. I mean we all signed a treaty to never use nukes again, but who knows. I know countries with nukes still have them on high alert, but would someone actually use one? Once one did I think everyone else would launch too, in fear of not knowing if they will be hit or not.

Slaves...that's the reason I don't think we should help anyone else. Call us names, hate on us...but when you need our help, we are your best friend. We need money, we need food... It's always up to the USA to save the day when in reality we already have enough problems of our own that we need to handle first. If we can't take care of our own population how can we help others?
Slaves...that's the reason I don't think we should help anyone else.

:lol: I was actually quoting the Kuwaiti when you guys went in to save them from Iraq.

Our guys are helping your guys in Afghanistan right now and we ain't happy about it either. In fact our soldiers, particularly the SAS always get high praises from US troops. I suppose being a country full of alpha males we train 'em hard in some pretty harsh conditions. My brother was thinking of trying out for our SAS but he ended up going to Croatia just after their war (he left here as soon as he finished uni) and spent > 10 years there as a commando.

that's the reason I don't think we should help anyone else. Call us names, hate on us...but when you need our help, we are your best friend. We need money, we need food... It's always up to the USA to save the day when in reality we already have enough problems of our own that we need to handle first.

> implying that the US is militarily helping others out of the goodness of their hearts.

In fact our soldiers, particularly the SAS always get high praises from US troops.

You must be very proud.
:lol: I was actually quoting the Kuwaiti when you guys went in to save them from Iraq.

Our guys are helping your guys in Afghanistan right now and we ain't happy about it either. In fact our soldiers, particularly the SAS always get high praises from US troops. I suppose being a country full of alpha males we train 'em hard in some pretty harsh conditions. My brother was thinking of trying out for our SAS but he ended up going to Croatia just after their war (he left here as soon as he finished uni) and spent > 10 years there as a commando.


There are tons of soldiers in Afgan right now, not just US soldiers, yet we take most of the heat for it all....for some reason.

SAS are BAMF's. Are they equivilent to US Special Forces or something similar?
There are tons of soldiers in Afgan right now, not just US soldiers, yet we take most of the heat for it all....for some reason.

That's true, my brother spent 6 months in Kabul with the Croatian Military Police and you have to ask wtf are the Croatian's doing in Afghanistan. :lol:

I guess the US were leading the whole thing trying to get back at Osama.

SAS are BAMF's. Are they equivilent to US Special Forces or something similar?
They're the elite, not sure what your equivalent is, Green Beret?

My brother did tell me about the selection process, 150 across the country applied for the SAS that year, of that lot 22 were selected and put through 14 days of training & they choose only a few of that lot. One of the guys of his company was part of that program and dropped out on the very last day. They must've put him through some pretty intense shit to drop out like that.

Hollywood tends to portray commandos as Arnie/Rambo types but when you see them they're all actually scrawny, you just can't put on bulk when you're living in the wild like that. The musclebound types are usually driving tanks & such.

One reason the USA has never been invaded is other countries know we have millions of civilians with firearms. They would be stupid to try a ground assault on US soil.


Lemme tell you a story.

You know the FARCs? The Colombian Guerillas?

They are a decently trained paramilitary force. They know the lay of the land, they are used to jungle fighting, they have decent armament. So, not an average joe with a double barreled shotgun.

So, one day there was an encampment of those guys that for whatever reason needed to be taken out. 50-ish armed combatants. We sent one squad, 6 guys or something. Mission accomplished with no casualties on our side.

Having a gun is a decent defense against a random idiot trying to rob/rape/beat/kill you, but it's no substitute for military training, intelligence, tactics and logistics. Don't expect American civilians to be of much use against other militaries. That's one of the reasons why the US even HAVE a military.

Also, pull back on the blind patriotism a bit. America is everybody's best friend? Seriously? How can you say that with a straight face?
I understand that Leandro, but ALOT of US civilians used to be in the military.

And the best friend thing was a joke. Everyone hates us, I know that....until they need something for us. Then we are best friends until they get what they need.

It's not blind patriotism....I don't like a lot of things that go on in this country, but it's still the country I belong to so I would do anything for it.
Then we are best friends until they get what they need.

They may get what they need but there's always a payback somewhere else - the US protects them, in return the US get first dibs on the oil, get to sell them arms, or whatever the trade is.

Our troops get sent to Afghanistan, we argue why the hell, it's not our fight but we're sided with you guys so have to go.

In return I guess no country will invade us from fear of being struck down by the US.

They may get what they need but there's always a payback somewhere else - the US protects them, in return the US get first dibs on the oil, get to sell them arms, or whatever the trade is.

Our troops get sent to Afghanistan, we argue why the hell, it's not our fight but we're sided with you guys so have to go.

In return I guess no country will invade us from fear of being struck down by the US.


I see your point. I guess there must always be a trade off of some sorts
I guess there must always be a trade off of some sorts

You may not know this but we can't sell our wheat to certain countries because they have agreements with the US - your farmers are benefitting from this. There's all sorts of wheeling and dealing going on.

There's some guns we can legally buy here, farmers need them, etc. It's pistols and automatics we can't purchase and up until recently semi-automatics were added to that list after a one guy (Martin Bryant) went crazy in Tasmania killing 35 people with a semi-auto.

The govt. had a gun buy back amnesty, all semi - automatics were handed in and destroyed, everyone in Australia had to pay an extra 1% in tax that year :(

Govt's ...they're good.

i don't do shit for my country, it's been over 430 days since we had a government ffs it's embarrassing

Why can't they get it together? Did you vote?

It's compulsory here but I guess it gets the lazy ones off the couch to have a say.

Odd that it's not compulsory in the US, you hear them complain about the govt. and ask, so did you vote? Errr ...nah. :lol:

All I will say about voting is that it is very hard to vote for a candidate when you really don't agree with what any of them are trying to do.
You guys are the most retarded special ed wankers I've ever had the fortune of never meeting. It's pretty obvious no one cares about any other country than their own and it's a known fact that every country sucks. Which is why I live on the moon. It's been faggot free for four and a half billion years. Hate the USA all you want but you let them become and now whatever is ruined in your life is their fault and you let it happen by losing some war some time at one point. Now everyone runs around with a gun on their property or if they're really ballsy they get to run around with a gun on someone else property in one of the, like, 250 countries they're in. You faggots let it happen AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I've also noticed rice and Russian's don't re-enter into Earth's atmosphere very well.