Recent Purchases

a fucking bathtub, some 3/4 inch plywood, particle masks, sanding screens, a bath hardware kit, and some cement board.

fuck remodeling.
i got a behemoth shirt. its so fucking tight. i think its new from the tour so theres no pics of it. but it has nergal with the mask and is fingers in an L. and hes holding out the bible and it says "lies" on the pages in his blood.and some other shit with behemoth on top. then on the back it shows a broken rosary and an upside down cross and it says "cruelty the whore" or something like that i cant read it

Suffocation shirt (woah, finally, got it in girl size)
COBHC shirt (yeah, found that in girl size too! :p)
New pair of black pants
Dethklok and Kataklysm cd(both are fucking amazing and dethklok blew me away...i wish they were real)
eye liner