Recent Purchases

Snus is for yanks and kids who have no dick nor face. so they turn to lousy tobacco products so they can hump around like gangstas sharing from eachother, becoming "brothers"

Way to waste your money on cancer and superficial friendships

enjoy it

it looks like soil and it smells like a public urinal
do not even try to say its good for anything, but wasting your money

i don't mind it's smell (i don't do it, my brother and uncle do) i just hate the smell of the spit
A COB-poster, its a flag!

Cost about 79 swe kr = 8 euro?

Bought at Rock zone in Stockholm.


last pruchases:
Diet Pepsi
Pick'n'mix lol ;D
Cinema ticket - Prince Caspian. (was good [y])
a panini.

thats about it.
All of Death's studio albums, three of Burzum's, both 'Phagist albums , all three Sinergy albums, and a Opeth shirt depicting the logo in gold lettering.
^Must get my ticket for that gig ASAP, know who is supporting?
Dude :lol:

-You dont chew it
-You cant smell if someone had/has it
-You dont see it
-You basicly dont notice it :lol:

imo smoking is alot more disgusting since you smell it ¬¬

Wait, so you put it under your bottom lip right? Well push your tongue slightly into your bottom lip, look in the mirror, and tell me you don't look retarded :lol:
Snus is for yanks and kids who have no dick nor face. so they turn to lousy tobacco products so they can hump around like gangstas sharing from eachother, becoming "brothers"

Way to waste your money on cancer and superficial friendships

enjoy it

it looks like soil and it smells like a public urinal
do not even try to say its good for anything, but wasting your money
Dude :lol:

-You dont chew it
-You cant smell if someone had/has it
-You dont see it
-You basicly dont notice it :lol:

imo smoking is alot more disgusting since you smell it ¬¬s

You do fucking smell it. If you don't then you have had your nose up someones ass for a very long time! Smoking does not smell nearly bad or make you drop your teeth and get mouth-aids :lol: You just....die! I prefer it that i choose smoking over snus anyday. I am not a smoker though...just saying i'd choose smoking over snus anyday :lol:

Wait, so you put it under your bottom lip right? Well push your tongue slightly into your bottom lip, look in the mirror, and tell me you don't look retarded :lol:

It looks very retarded for new users.
Most recently, Track Lighting for the house, several electrical items, a fireplace, and some wasp/hornet spray.

Lol thanks, thought it was high time to get some classic extreme metal after hearing the philospher and crystal mountain.

I bought this today, my first SYL CD -


Seriously great price and its brilliant! :kickass: I thought I'd never get into this sort of music (polyrhythmic chugging with wall of sound esqueness and craziness) but I have :)