Recent Purchases


Because Guitar Hero + playing with friends + beach + fresh white wine = :kickass:
An expansion pack will soon be available with Steve Vai's For The Love Of God, Satriani's "Surfing With The Alien" and a Buckethead tune.
I hope so, because 1: I already finished it (4 hours), and 2: Blink 182/Tokio Hotel/No Doubt are NOT good songs. There are something like 4 "good" songs in it, all the rest is teenage punk rock.


I'd rather listen to the techno music I downloaded for my workouts than listen to Nevermoar or the average Opeth track... people have different tastes... if you like slower shit you'll love the bands you love, if not then you'll hate them. Man I listen to Eminem, Nickelback, Techno music, DDR Soundtracks, Indian music, Miley Cyrus, everything but REAL rap, country and emo :lol:
I bought a Stratovarius large poster. Like a "flag" And a Amon Amarth wristband, Amon Amarth The avenger album and i ordered today two albums: Blind Guardian - Nightfall in middle-earth and Heavenly Virus :blush: