I don't really do uber heavy squats (eventhough I know I could probably do a good amount), because I am alone and don't really have that much weights, but when I'm all healed I'm gonna get a gym membership, and hire a personal trainer for a few sessions and get a badass routine all worked out.
P.S. Dumbbell Squats are pretty badass too. I love that I'MFUCKINGWRECKED feeling you get after doing a bunch of squats, you can almost feel the testosterone pumping through you.
yea being alone when doing weights sucks. One time I went to the gym on my own because my younger brother had to go to school and the older one was at work. I was working on my chest that day, so I did my bench press, inclined press and declined press without a problem. Then it was time for dumbbell presses. I did a set of 10 with the 20kg's with little effort, so I decided to go with the 25's...I did 7 and I nearly dropped them on my chest on the 8th that was scary