Recent Purchases



This, only instead of bought I downloaded :lol: it's pretty cool.
^ yucckkk..

anyway. bought a whole load of cds ->

Something Wild - CoB
Pitch Black Progress - Scar Symmetry
Death Cult Armageddon(sp?) - Dimmu Borgir
Stormblast - Dimmu
In Sorte Diabli -Dimmu
N - Norther

The new Lacuna Coil dvd: Visual Karma.
Tickets to Judas priest in feb at wembley arena. (eeep!)
And a chicken salad sandwich from marks and spencers. :)


Postcards that came with the DVD that I got signed that night.

+ a bottle of Oasis.

Dude, do you honestly feel any difference? I've tried every condom (even those fucking long-lasting pleasure ones by accident) and felt nothing. I mean the freezing one totally numbed the head of my dick but that isn't cool. Every other condom in that godamn 21 dollar multi-pack didn't do shit.

Unfortunately the robot was not included :(
