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Yeah... About four.

This is probably going to soud like the most ridiculously fanboi thing I've ever said... But I actually don't see why people buy PS3's when they could get a 360 for less money. (Actually, people aren't buying PS3's, last month the fucking PS2 outsold the PS3 by 45,000 units :lol:) Xbox Live is about sixteen-hyperbolillian times better than any console online system out there, and the 360 has a plethora of genuinely fantastic games whereas the PS3 has.... erm.... Killzone 2 and MGS4... Yeah that's about it.

And Resident Evil that on XBOX too? Well, only thing i would say is a fucking big downside is that the Xbox360 sounds like a lawnmower(the fan). Or has that been fixed?

Lulz still...I will just settle for a new PC.
And Resident Evil that on XBOX too? Well, only thing i would say is a fucking big downside is that the Xbox360 sounds like a lawnmower(the fan). Or has that been fixed?

Lulz still...I will just settle for a new PC.

Lawnmower fan was fixed like two years ago.
And yes, Resi 5 is on 360.
Lawnmower fan was fixed like two years ago.
And yes, Resi 5 is on 360.

Lol, okay.

Well, there you see. I ain't really up to date with consoles of today. I now and then play my PS2 but that's it...otherwise I'm just sitting playing guitar and recording.
Well that's just wrong, the single player in Halo 3 was what could have been better. The multiplayer is simply everything that was great about Halo 2 online, but a lot more awesome.
I haven't played Halo 3 live so much, but it just looks like a gay version of Halo 2.

I don't know why, but Halo 2's online kept me playing for two years and I got bored of Halo 3 in nine months.

Halo 2 is waaay better.
But there are other good games on 360 :)
Well that's just wrong, the single player in Halo 3 was what could have been better. The multiplayer is simply everything that was great about Halo 2 online, but a lot more awesome.

A lot more awesome being = spartan laser, the shield thingy, new grenades/vehicles/weapons/etc and forge?