Recent Purchases



Awesome!! You bought Raiden's hat :kickass:
^^Suicide Seasons? I got that on my computer too, though have not listened to it much yet. And Suicide Silence is deathcore so I am guessing It's pretty ghey in your opinion.

Yeah that shit can fuck off. Even Ignominious Incarceration, who look gayer than them, aren't as gay as them.
Today,on a flea market:
Dostoyevsky The Possessed pt1.
Sholokhov And Quiet Flows the Don, Virgin Soil
Goncharov Oblomov
Some books are from 40s and 50s

good thing you posted a pic the size of the moon, now i can really see the texture of the books.

Nice tablecloth
Today,on a flea market:
Dostoyevsky The Possessed pt1.
Sholokhov And Quiet Flows the Don, Virgin Soil
Goncharov Oblomov
Some books are from 40s and 50s


wouln't you be interested to mail me a cheap book in Srpski? ^^ i don't know how to read, just would be awesome
ah naw, i just got caught in the heat of the moment :rofl: i want to go there and get one myself ^^