Recent Sneap Productions/Mixes

Shadows are Security is THE definition of Krank tone, IMO. Absolutely love that albums guitars.

But saying the drums are better than TWOAF's? Ludicrous. Completely different sounds and vibes.

Also, Gojira's is better. :lol:
he's not guilty on the metallica front from what I understand. Its odd cause he's usually very easy going on the compression, to where I've told him to hit it a bit harder cause the snare is still poking out. So I have a feeling with Chimaira Mr Hunter was asking for some low end and level.........
think theres something to be said for the fury of that guys vocals on that album
i think thats what sets it apart from the other albums for me, he sounds like he's fucking raging
so good
can talk about any production techniques you want, but a good performance makes it \m/
No problem, just curious. Thanx for the response anyway. It sounds to me like several ranges all put together with whispering and distorsion mixed in too. RAGE! And yep, performance's great
you guys kill me, i dont even remember doing half these mixes. I always put 110% when I'm doing them but very rarely listen back afterwards. Usually cause I'm onto something else.
You never sit down and retrospectively pick at what could/couldn't have gone better, Andy? How do you usually measure your success with a project - by how much attention/success the band enjoys with it?

I still think Doomsday Machine is my favourite. As a whole mix it just seems to come together the best. Just like with Stabbing the Drama I don't really like many of the individual elements, but the magic is in how it all comes together.

End of Heartache is still the absolute win for guitars though. It's completely shaped my approach to mic'ing and EQing guitar tones. Made me realize fizz is the devil and fat/smooth mids is where it all lives... and not to fear backing the mic a fair bit off the cab for tones that breathe a little more!
i don't really measure success with an album, I just do my best when working on it but very rarely revisit them. I think its down to the insane pressure and deadlines labels put on me, usually I am just sick to the back teeth of an album by the time I've finished it. There's always bits I think "wish I'd done that etc" but a mix is a performance in a way, you'd never mix something the same a month later from a fresh start so I dont dwell on past things.