Who, Nickelback? Well first off, they haven't been around that long, and I remember reading an article in Guitar World a decent amount of time ago (like around when "How You Remind Me", their breakout single, was big), and they were talking about how they used to be able to do all these advanced shredding techniques, and then decided to focus on "writing songs man" - songs over endless wanking are all well and good, but come on, the two guitarists are 36 and 37 now, respectively, so they were still probably 28-30 when that article was written (giving them a degree of maturity about the way the music business, and "real world" in general, works), and when those "songs" they were writing are the kind Nickelback consistently puts out, I think it's a pretty safe assumption that "wanted to focus on writing songs (man

)" = "wanted to focus on writing simple, catchy stuff to get big and become 'rock stars'" (I use quotes cuz, well, it's Nickelback

EDIT: And wow, this is totally off-topic, sorry - carry on