Recent UFO disclosure - real or total bullshit?

People believe in god living in a cloud and everyone is like "Oh that's ok, is your personal belief"... others believe that aliens could exist and are fucking lunatics

Nope - I pretty much think they're right up there in the same category... ;)

But hey, like I've said many times, over and over and over, believe what you want to believe as it's generally no skin off my back if you look daft doing it. I'll tell you my feelings on a subject and you can choose to agree or not - it matters very little to me - I'm definitely not trying to convert anyone.

^The accuracy of this research is irrelevant. What pisses me off is that so few people ask "why was this research published right now?" This article was funded and published by someone in the asteroid mining business who wants you to think the following:

If life began "before earth" (a new movie title by the way) then life must have come here from an asteroid or comet or something. So any new asteroid mining companies or any privatized space exploration companies are good.
This 'issue' has been a part of my life since childhood and I've watched the growth of the 'concern' with avid interest for decades. I find that humans tend to view their surroundings with trepidation if not outright fear of the unknown. For that reason, anything that pushes our limits or boundaries of consciousness is first seen as a threat somehow... especially of the 'status quo.' Howard Bloom's book, The Lucifer Principle,' is an excellent read with data that is undeniable that speaks to the point of our unconscious behaviors and manipulated realities.

I've been engaged by these 'off-worlders' for most of my life. They are no threat. Even Paul Hellyer admits that world governments and the military industrial complex knows this fact. Yet, the surreptitious placement of information that nurtures the manufactured fears continues to drive a wedge between fact and fiction. I gave a short rendition of my awareness at an ET/UFO panel not too long ago.

So, I suggest we look at this opportunity through different eyes that are more willing to explore the notion that these races are here to assist humankind to grow out of their 'teenage' years and into maturity. We certainly haven't been good stewards of our relations or our planet. We cannot even get along, yet. The old paradigm of coercion and competition has brought us closer to annihilation than ascension. We don't trust our guts and are easily manipulated by things that others say are fact, without questioning or vetting the source.

Humans have become lazy and thoughtless. I've been in the educational system in both secondary and post-secondary arenas and when students are asked to think for themselves, they turn to Google or some other resource that may or may not be valid research. Adults are even worse. They want someone to tell them how to think and what to do, much like a well-known organization we're all familiar with - the military. Few folks have the power and get everyone else to do their bidding, desirable or undesirable - healthy or harmful doesn't matter.

Group think is the problem. Few ever look behind the conversation or presentation to look at the bigger picture. When and if they do, there are even fewer who have done further research to present a prudent path that benefits everyone. Instead, there are 'truth-sayers' who stir up the anger and resentment in a given population and offer no constructive direction for focusing effort and energy for change. Those that have and are prepared usually have dealt with their own frustrations about the lack of listening from the public and choose to just sit and wait for the ears and eyes to develop. In time, they might.
You're trolling right? It's that, or you're bat shit insane.

I just want one fucking piece of evidence, just fucking one! If they are here and have a thing for rednecks, then surely one of these rednecks knows how to work a video camera, right?

It appears to me that this whole alien thing is a lot like religion, no matter how many people believe, said believers can not for the life of them provide any evidence at all. Granted, aliens are a bit more plausible.

Sorry but put up or shut up. It's that simple, and no, your word is not good enough. In fact, no one's is. EVIDENCE!

(Sorry, I'm not the dumbass that's going buy anything from you Mr. Snake oil salesman)
Why do smart people believe weird things? Pay particular attention to the large section on "UFOs and Alien Abductions" - but the entire piece is worth reading as it touches on many of the "weird" beliefs so vigorously defended in these "Off Topic" forum discussions.

The opening to the "UFOs and Alien Abductions" section of the essay:

A Weird Belief with Smart Supporters

UFOs and alien abductions meet my criteria for a weird thing because the claim that such sightings and experiences represent actual encounters with extra-terrestrial intelligences is

1. unaccepted by most people in astronomy, exobiology, and the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (despite the near universal desire by practitioners to find life of any grade somewhere other than earth),

2. extremely unlikely (although not logically impossible), and

3. is largely based on anecdotal and uncorroborated evidence. Are UFO and alien abduction claims supported by smart people? While the community of believers used to be populated largely by those in the nooks and crannies of society’s fringes, they have successfully migrated into the cultural mainstream. In the 1950s and 1960s, those who told stories of alien encounters were, at best, snickered at behind closed doors (and sometimes when the doors were wide open) or, at worst, sent to psychiatrists for mental health evaluations. And they were always the butt of jokes amongst scientists. But in the 1970s and 1980s a gradual shift occurred in the credentials of the believers, and in the 1990s they received a boost from the academy that has helped metastasized their beliefs into society’s main body.
On a similar note, how come no one here posts a thread on the recent NSA surveillance news?

Despite all the news coverage, no one actually knows what the whistleblower actually said. He took it to Washington Post employee Glenn Greenwald and whatever Glenn saw was so awful that he was wise enough to realize that if he published it and it were true, then his life would inevitably be cut short by his own government (probably suicided via self-hang goat dvd masturbation...that's my guess at least).

But that is all just another conspiracy theory to most of you, am I right?
On a similar note, how come no one here posts a thread on the recent NSA surveillance news?

Despite all the news coverage, no one actually knows what the whistleblower actually said. He took it to Washington Post employee Glenn Greenwald and whatever Glenn saw was so awful that he was wise enough to realize that if he published it and it were true, then his life would inevitably be cut short by his own government (probably suicided via self-hang goat dvd masturbation...that's my guess at least).

But that is all just another conspiracy theory to most of you, am I right?

Be at the forefront - start the thread.

I'm pretty sure one of my more recent comments foretells part of my response to your question. Just because something is secret does not a conspiracy make. ;)