Recent UFO disclosure - real or total bullshit?


Nov 13, 2006
Chile - La Serena
There is a lot of videos from this conference that adresses the problem of life outside our planet.
What's your take on all this ?

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Do I believe that their is the possibility of other intelligent life in the universe?

Yes - statistically it appears probable that Goldilocks planets exists somewhere in the universe with the capability to support life as we know it

Do I believe that what people are reporting sightings of are alien UFOs/Flying Saucers/...?


Countdown till someone else brings up things like the Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox in this thread?

3......... 2......... 1........

This topic has been rehashed many times over on this forum with the same basic results - it almost seems a perennial subject of sorts. ;)
Jind don't tempt me :D

GGI, I love you in a way


I'd never :devil:

PS - I have a certain type of love affair with all things GGI chooses to involve himself in. He makes me smile in the same way YouTube cat videos do. ;)

Conviction has to count for something... honestly it does :saint:
I have to agree with Jind, the possibility is most likely, but until an Alien craft crashes into my house and little green men take a shit on my lawn and I video it and my neighbours all video it so that's it's some kind of vague proof that it wasn't just group hysteria then I'll take it as wishful thinking.....along with religion and the rest of the paranormal mumbo jumbo.
I also was kinda sceptical the whole time.
But this video on top of Paul Hellyer was pretty sick to me. He totally doesn't seems like madman that makes up stuff. Don't think he's lying. Seems like we'll all know soon.
Yes, most of the folks on this forum enjoy the safety of believing our trusted media, governments and worldwide leaders. Oh, and we trust science because math is always right.

it's neither about media or math, more like common sense. Why would any being capable of intergalactic travel spend their time abducting rednecks and cows?
The big question is: do they hear those super high frequencies we cannot hear?
Better start recording at ultra-high sample rates or them goddamn aliens are gonna take our jerbs! It's happening! Wake up people!

Seriously though, I'm on the fence about this thing. I don't trust governments to be completely honest and open with us, but I also don't trust the judgement of people who base their arguments on gut feelings, or even worse, hallucinogenic trips.
And in all cases, I'm hesitant to take the word of someone that monetarily depends on his/her statements. They'd better have some great proof to back themselves up.

So honestly: I don't know.
As far as not trusting your government that's a whole different story, not so much that they're hiding some big illuminati secrets from us, but just in the fact that they're usually a bunch of corrupt cunts.
playing devil's advocate .....

why do we send people all over the planet to put bugs in jars?

exactly. working on the assumption that intelligent life that's capable of traveling large distances across space exist, i can think of numerous reasons why they would be interested in "abducting", observing, and experimenting on earth-bound creatures. it's not much different than us pulling a shark out of the ocean, sticking a tracking tag on it, and throwing it back in...
^Don't forget missing teeth, for some reason aliens love people with missing teeth. :devil:

Maybe they are going for some toothless cow alien hybrid... In that case we would surely be doomed :D

As far as not trusting your government that's a whole different story, not so much that they're hiding some big illuminati secrets from us, but just in the fact that they're usually a bunch of corrupt cunts.

Exactly. I'm not exactly the tinfoil hat type of person either, but I think that it has been proven over and over in the past that enough money and power can bring almost anyone to do anything. If I was put in such a position, I would probably do the same thing.

playing devil's advocate .....

why do we send people all over the planet to put bugs in jars?

Good point indeed.
And even if it weren't for this, it may be hard to understand their reasoning without really knowing them.
We spend years trying to understand why animals on our own planet behave the way they do. A super-developed species from a different galaxy might behave in ways that completely elude us.