Recent UFO disclosure - real or total bullshit?

This last video is exactly the example of videos not helping the case of believers. You know right away this is a sensational video for it spends more time trying to impress with this overrated/used music, illuminati logos, etc etc. By the way the audio recording at the end has been identified as a fake (I cannot back up my claim though, but I'm almost sure of myself). One of the images with the white exhausts or something feel like after effect to me, especially when it exhausts more, the movement doesn't feel possible there. The last one, for what we know, could be anything. There have been many mass sightings related to Chinese balloons, or pranks made by students with homemade balloons and a good taste in anti-believer humour
Yup, if FOX says the sky is blue I'll still go out and check. "FOX News" is basically Christian entertainment, very little in the way of news.
I'm sure I remember in a previous thread one of the south americans on here talking about UFO sightingss happening so often that people are actually getting used to it. I'll see if I can find the post...

Here it is:

In my country the ufo shit is getting a little bit to much , just search ufo or ovni Chile 2011 , bricks will be shat.
People is getting used to it also, its not a serious subject no more lol.
Last good register
Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Peru are all very open about UFO sightings and as far as I remember they all admit that they have scientific/military institutions studying this phenomenon and sharing information between the countries. There are also a lot of sightings reported in Mexico because UFOs don't get chased by military jets when entering their airspace.
There are also a lot of sightings reported in Mexico because UFOs don't get chased by military jets when entering their airspace.

Really? That's the reason? Now my head really is starting to hurt..... must..... find..... more..... cat..... videos..... :u-huh:
If you're head already hurts watch this. High ranking military and governmental personnel all getting mentally ill at the same time? I highly doubt it.

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Clearly a case of mass psychosis if ever there was one ;)

If the sheer number of videos linked is the basis for proof on a topic, then I'm clearly behind the times of what proof really means. Just to be clear, "eye witness" testimony has been proven time and time again to be the least reliable evidence of anything be it crimes, sightings, ... you name it, just because someone says they saw something hardly equates to irrefutable proof.

Time to go find more Grumpy cat videos. Perhaps he's seen a UFO... perhaps he's an alien - it would explain that frown of his.
Thanks for the share. The things on the radar are probably just weather balloons suffering from psychosis... :grin:
There ARE things government cover up, and that's probably a better thing than what we think.

I have read a good chunk of the report, I like that it's decently written (not too sensational) but I don't like that it has been made by a ufologist group. If the radar data are real, there were definitely something there. Now they say themselves the changes in speed could be attributed to the imprecision of radars (at least for a good percentage of them, which would shrink the delta in speeds to something at least acceptable with the asumption of high performance new gen aircraft). All in all, it's nothing a secret program aicraft could not do in 2013. You would be surprised at how fast an empty fighter can accelerate, or a propeller aerobatics aircraft can lose speed, so you need to be careful before declaring it unreal and ETesque. Also, a plane flying out of military zones without a transponder ? Since when the military follow rules they don't make for themselves ? Trust me, military pilots bend rules all the time, I have heard many times a pilot request a visual approach when the ceiling was not even 1/4 of what is legally requested for that, but hey, they do it. So imagining they would follow the rules in a secret aircraft... I like how the reports stays to facts though, at least decently for ufologists I'd say. The video on youtube is laughable, now there are reports but... know, a few days ago, Venus was blinking in the night, like I have never seen before, it was beautiful, changing color 4 times a second maybe, because of the relative change of atmospheric condition over the cloud top (that would be my guess) bending light rays depending on the frequency of colors, just like they do for the sunset, except here it's dynamic. It lasted for as long as we could see the planet, so I would say for about 30mn given our angle of descent and the length of an arrival all in all.

Guess what ? A passenger told a flight attendant he was concerned because he thinks he saw a UFO on our right in a static position far far away in the horizon :grin: I could have made my own blurry-shaky-video-of-an-ufo-in-the-distance myself, I should have actually done that !

All I'm saying is that ignorant people can just see whatever they want to see. Even ghosts (mass hypnosis and stuff)

Also, as usual, something doesn't add up there. If the army doesn't react to the UFO, it means they know about it. If they do, it means it's planned. If it's planned, why the hell would you go out on a clear night with your bright superhitech aircraft so everyone can detect and see you with their own eyes ? It doesn't even make any sense. At least when there is a report of military sighting UFOs, they try to chase it up or something.

PS : I'd like to know why 98.45% of ufo videos feature redneck americans
To be clear as it seems GGI is implying that I/some of us don't believe that governments have secrets they are willing to do their damnedest to keep secret - well I do believe they have secrets that they do deny the existence of, that they actively obfuscate the truth of - particularly in regards to technology available and/or under development. What I also believe is that all this technology is man made science, not the result of secret alien encounters or cabals of corporate illuminati types and their dealings with alien species.

It's when people automatically need to reach for the conspiracy theory in it all simply because the more simple, more logical possibility just doesn't fit their worldview that I start to question their process of logical thought. That's the point that my head starts to hurt with the twists and turns required to build that conspiratorial reasoning, the depth the conspired "cover up" needs to go for the reality to actually fit the theory proposed - all in order to keep a secret.

But hey - keep linking YouTube videos, articles, whatever, as I said it does make me smile and occasionally giggle as I explain to my wife what I'm responding to.

Sensationalism, please read the article until the end. Especially :

"Of course there are other possibilities to explain what happened, as the two acknowledge life could have evolved following Moore's Law during certain periods but not at others a deep freeze could have temporarily halted changes in complexity, for example, or cataclysmic events could have periodically killed off the more advanced biotic life forms. There is also the possibility that the development of life had to reach a certain stage of development before it began to conform to Moore's Law. Then of course, there is the very real possibility that the beginnings and evolution of life don't conform to Moore's Law at all."

Good idea though, just too dodgy to be taken seriously yet

EDIT : my point still being... I want a fucking PROOF
People believe in god living in a cloud and everyone is like "Oh that's ok, is your personal belief"... others believe that aliens could exist and are fucking lunatics
Actually, I think that all religious people are a little cuckoo. Same with alien believers without any concrete evidence. Plain faith just doesn't do it for me.