Recent UFO disclosure - real or total bullshit?

Is the Canadian ex minister of defense just going senile and shit? That's why i posted the video, it seems interesting, at least, that a man with a long history in the defense department is starting to talk like this.
Is the Canadian ex minister of defense just going senile and shit? That's why i posted the video, it seems interesting, at least, that a man with a long history in the defense department is starting to talk like this.

He has been talking about UFO's for some years, to me he is just another believer...not so different from presidents believing in god.
Sure,the point is,he says he knew all of this because of real military files about it . You can't say the same thing about god.
Is the Canadian military tripping balls or they just like to drop fake shit like most governments.
I take mormons and christians more seriously than that girl haha, what a crazy bitch.
That video is totally besides the point btw.
Jind don't tempt me :grin:

GGI, I love you in a way


I'd never :muahaha:

PS - I have a certain type of love affair with all things GGI chooses to involve himself in. He makes me smile in the same way YouTube cat videos do. ;)

Conviction has to count for something... honestly it does :Saint:

it's neither about media or math, more like common sense. Why would any being capable of intergalactic travel spend their time abducting rednecks and cows?

Feeling is mutual ... we are all sheep, you'll see.

No matter what you believe you should be concerned that UFO shit is more prominent on the news lately. Something is brewing and no matter what it is (actual aliens, gov't conspiracy, or simply the media desperately looking to gain headlines) it is pointing toward significant change on this planet in the next decade or so.

Watch the last one if you can even though it's long. It's very interesting and his approach to the topic of ufos and extraterrestrials is scientific and serious.
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Does anyone else think it sucks that the real smoking gun is getting ignored in this situation? Everyone is so focused on the "ET's" (falls under the who knows until real evidence surfaces category) when the real story is about these historically documented and suppressed advanced propulsion and energy technologies. I think the main driving point of the Disclosure movement should be to disclose the information on technologies that could benefit humanity first, rather than perpetuating a myth (true or not) that can't be proven without hard evidence. Besides, if you get to the bottom of one the truth to the other will surface certainly.
Does anyone else think it sucks that the real smoking gun is getting ignored in this situation? Everyone is so focused on the "ET's" (falls under the who knows until real evidence surfaces category) when the real story is about these historically documented and suppressed advanced propulsion and energy technologies. I think the main driving point of the Disclosure movement should be to disclose the information on technologies that could benefit humanity first, rather than perpetuating a myth (true or not) that can't be proven without hard evidence. Besides, if you get to the bottom of one the truth to the other will surface certainly.

Won't happen until the oil runs dry...
The best place to hide a secret is out in the open by turning fact into fiction. Take what is happening in reality and make Movies or TV shows about it to condition the population into thinking that ETs, UFOs etc. only happens in TV and Movies. It's like an insurance policiy... in case the truth does come out it is ridiculed, ignored and labeled "conspiracy".
The best place to hide a secret is out in the open by turning fact into fiction. Take what is happening in reality and make Movies or TV shows about it to condition the population into thinking that ETs, UFOs etc. only happens in TV and Movies. It's like an insurance policiy... in case the truth does come out it is ridiculed, ignored and labeled "conspiracy".

You literally just described a conspiracy though.
My head is already starting to hurt, but I'm still enjoying the show - just like... well you know what I said in my previous post ;)


and just so you too can smile while your heads explode as we get deeper into the weeds:

My opinion is that everyone and their mother has an HD camera on their phone these days, if these sightings were really so common there would be indisputable photographic proof on twitter and facebook etc
My opinion is that everyone and their mother has an HD camera on their phone these days, if these sightings were really so common there would be indisputable photographic proof on twitter and facebook etc

Just search for "Mass UFO Sightings" on YouTube.
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Just search for "Mass UFO Sightings" on YouTube.

Tell me how they clearly show these are spacecraft or how precise you can distinguish mr E.T. driver having a walk

It is getting worse and worse with the perfection of adobe after effects. (I know what you will say, "MASS" sightings)

JayB sums up nicely my idea of YouTube videos. It's just statistically impossible we have no proof of something apparently so common. It works with people claiming they can read mind or cure you, or astrology, etc etc. If these were real it would take 5mn to prove.
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