Recommend a band

hell yeah, i love SoP!
too bad 3 people left the band :lol:

:lol: nah

:lol::lol::lol:, haha yea. The things I love most about SoP are the awesome writing and the awesome original guitar solos. Both the poeple who were responsible for that are gone. :X
Legion of the Damned -> fast blackish deathish.. something <---- totally yeah!!Kutschurft -> for all you cannibal corpse lovers :D <---- no!

AND, its all dutch :O

try: Eluveitie. folk metal band from Swiss. they play metal with some medieval music in it. very nice

Kromlek: german band, bit finntrollish, but very nice! :D
and of course Elexorien :cool: (dutch epica battle metal band :) )
with genres:
black forest (my band) (melodic black folk death power... no idea but surely not progressive ^^)
hmm.. winterdome (melodic death),...
antimon (a friends band, awesome) (viking),
black messiah (pagan/melodic),
die streuner (middle age),
dispatched (!!!!!!!) (melodic death/black),
aaskereia (depressive black),
mithotyn (pagan),
windir (pagan/black),
trollfest (pagan/fun),
eluveitie (awesome folk from switzerland),
eisregen (black/...),
moonsorrow (harmonic viking ?),
necrophagist (tech death),
graveworm (harmonic black),
quo vadis (death),
xiv dark centuries (melodic pagan)!
and of course .. winterssssunnnnn :)
with genres:
black forest (my band) (melodic black folk death power... no idea but surely not progressive ^^)
hmm.. winterdome (melodic death),...
antimon (a friends band, awesome) (viking),
black messiah (pagan/melodic),
die streuner (middle age),
dispatched (!!!!!!!) (melodic death/black),
aaskereia (depressive black),
mithotyn (pagan),
windir (pagan/black),
trollfest (pagan/fun),
eluveitie (awesome folk from switzerland),
eisregen (black/...),moonsorrow (harmonic viking ?),
necrophagist (tech death),
graveworm (harmonic black),
quo vadis (death),
xiv dark centuries (melodic pagan)!
and of course .. winterssssunnnnn :)

yeah! eisregen are fukken :kickass:
if somebody's interested, listen to: Feindbild Mensch or some track's from Krebskolonie
I highly recommend A-RISE, the band of the drummer of my former band. They play Death'nRoll or something. They like fat riffs and are definitely influenced by Pantera.

Check them out, they also have a new professional video on their site:

The other band of the drummer is BEGGING FOR INCEST :lol: Slam Death Metal without lyrics at its best:
Melodic Death : Blind Stare.


windir, trollfest, eluveitie, eisregen, moonsorrow, necrophagist, winterssssunnnnn :)

hell yeah!

Since I know a lot of people on here love Finntroll, check out Trollfest for even MORE jig-tastic fun!

Trollfest pwns, did you ever read their website on how they were formed?

Legion of the Damned -> fast blackish deathish.. something
God Dethroned -> Blackish metal
Kutschurft -> for all you cannibal corpse lovers :D

LOTD is more death-thrash
God Dethroned is pretty good, their drummer toured with epica
Kutschurft is damn funny :p

on another note:
Amesoeurs -> melodic black metal. They only have one demo out but it pwns, exspecially their last song, which isn't black metal at all
I've been listening to In Flames recently.. I wouldn't recommend them to all, but I find them good!
(Old is better than new, but I'm trying to like the newer stuff :p)