Recommend other bands with clearly enuciated growlies

Speaking of Draconian, I hear Paul lent his voice for the "story" segments on their new album. Cool!
I think some of you guys are REALLY stretching it as far as growl enunciation with some of these picks.

Was gonna say... Enslaved is one of my favorite bands ever, but they've always had unintelligible vocals. =)

Edit: Pre-Elegy Amorphis is also unintelligible... at least Tales from the Thousand Lakes is (another band I love to death).
I agree with Edge Of Sanity and ND the easiest band to understand would probably be the first Suffocation album though ...J/K.

I think the fact is, if you are new to the whole dm vocal thing, it will all be hard to understand. The albums you listen to the most and follow along with the words will probably be the easiest to understand.
For example, Tomb of The Mutilated, I listened to that shit over and over for like 3 years when it came out, besides being memorable, and reading the words, I think i just remembered all the words.Looking back, it seems as if the words are easy to understand but only because I knew the words. Not as good of an example, but I know every word I sing, and have no trouble hearing the words, but when I record the songs, I write lyrics for months, but arrange the the lyrics to the songs last, (sometimes the night before) if you asked me what I sang the day after recording, I would have no clue.

There are exceptions I suppose, but either way you put it, some dude, is screaming words and cramming words to fit over time in music. Naturally it will be hard to understand.
Can I just say something? It's not hard to enunciate while growling. I find it harder to keep a consistent growl... These guys obviously do it to mask the lyrics somewhat. If death metal lyrics were as clear as power metal lyrics, it would probably seem equally cheesy in a lot of cases.
Can I just say something? It's not hard to enunciate while growling. I find it harder to keep a consistent growl... These guys obviously do it to mask the lyrics somewhat. If death metal lyrics were as clear as power metal lyrics, it would probably seem equally cheesy in a lot of cases.

i don't know about that... i think a lot of guys do the death thing either because they think it just sounds heavy, or they can't sing at all.

notice how a lot of metal bands progress from growls to clean vocals as they get older. for every akerfelt who keeps their growl strong while developing a greater vocal range, there's like 5 nick holmes(es) who gradually switch to a cleaner voice as they learn to sing. there's also guys like swano who always had good range, but switch to clean vox in their music because the growl is hard on their voice.

anyway, just sayin... don't think it's lyrical, dumb lyrics are everywhere, not just in death metal. doesn't stop people from crooning stupid shit in other genres. =)
Just for all you fans of Draconian, I just heard the promo for the new album "Turning Season Within" and its fucking awesome. Check it out, theres some samples on this page:[ame][/ame]
lol some of the mentions in this thread are pretty absurd. There are so few vocalists who can get definition in their words... I dont really care about it though as some bands like the black dahlia murder or something have quite crystal clear vocals and the words are pretty understandable.
I tend to go for what actually convinces me because alot of the time it seems like a novelty addition to the music. I think the vocals in the at the gates is probably the most painful and angry vocals ive heard without sounding over the top or Burzum for the pure frightening sound.