Recommend a CD or a DVD

Dreamscape - 5th Season - A cool, accessible prog-metal album full of melody and long instrumental passages, but passages that seem to be 'right' for the music rather than musicians saying 'look how clever we are!'

The beauty of this album lies here, it's easy to listen to, it doesn't sound like it's trying to be exclusive, it just sounds good. :cool:
A few albums i'd recommend...:)

Pathosray - Sunless Skies 2nd album from this Italian band and to me this is gonna be way up on my top 10 list at the end of the year. The debut album is also truly great and you'll find songs, both new and old on their space..

Silent Memorial - Retrospective Two years after completing the album it's finally out. Would call this a studio band, including Mike Andersson(Cloudscape) on vocals and Diego Rapacchietti(Venturia) on drums.

Roswell Six - Terra Incognita: Beyond The Horizon Great album based on Kevin J. Anderson's novel The edge of the world. Project includes James LaBrie, Michael Sadler and David Ragsdale.
for the last two, please explain WHY you are recommending!

Bellandonna is simply the band that is making the whole Rome proud!

From the band's bio:

"They've created a mysterious, romantic, erotic world" Rolling Stone
"A sexy, romantic, deep sound" GQ
"Inspired by E.A.Poe, they've conquered the web" XL di Repubblica
"Luana's voice is divine" Metal Stage


How many artists can claim to have single-handedly originated a musical genre? Italian quintet Belladonna are amongst that rare breed of bands whose absolute uniqueness has enraptured and inspired countless fans, followers and imitators all over the world.

Rock noir, that Belladonna extraordinary brand of emotionally-charged rock'n'roll melodrama utterly seduced those beautiful hordes of Music lovers sick’n’tired of being force-fed today’s computer-driven, fake-angst-ridden pseudo-rock down their ears.

Metaphysical Attraction

Belladonna’s legendary self-produced debut “Metaphysical Attraction” resounded so deeply in rock fans’ collective consciousness that it not only turned the band almost overnight into one of the most loved unsigned bands in the world, but it even bestowed upon them the honor of 2 Grammy Awards 2008 ballot nominations, an unprecedented event for a DIY band.

Over 1.000.000 views on MySpace, magazines like Rolling Stone, Glamour and GQ hailing them as the "next big thing” (one critic going as far as saying “If Belladonna was the band that kept playing as the Titanic sank, nobody would have left the damn ship” ), shows with Dita Von Teese at Erotica 07 in London, gigs with major acts like Scars On Broadway and Siouxsie & the Banshees, performances at the Dubai International Film Festival - but Belladonna remain unfazed.

“All that matters to us is the Music” explains Luana, the sultry, sensual, sonic-seducin’ Belladonna singer. “That magical moment when a song sends shivers down your spine, that’s what Belladonna is all about… that’s what we believe Music should be all about” adds guitarist Dani.

And their phenomenally spine-tingling follow-up album is indeed all about the Music.

The Noir Album

Personally invited by alt-rock producer supreme Sylvia Massy (Tool, System of a Down) to record their sophomore album in her awesome all-analog studio in California, USA, in a few weeks of incendiary sessions Belladonna have commited on tape 11 astounding rock noir Luana/Dani-penned songs that erupt from the speakers with sheer sensual energy.

The record’s title itself - "The Noir Album" - betrays the classic status this record has gained even before having been released: regal yet raging, with a rawness and honesty that perversely suits the heart-stirring beauty of the melodies and the metaphysical suggestions of the lyrics, "The Noir Album" will challenge Belladonna’s attempts to stay cult-size.

"Pyromantic, mysterotique, visionoir" are the words Luana coins to describe it and, paraphrasing the smashing album opener "Alchemical Romance", she adds: "One day we stopped fighting our inner demons, and went on their side. And this Music just poured out."

"The Noir Album" is out now. Belladonna premiered it live in the USA at L.A.'s legendary Key Club and as official representatives of Italy at Austin's SXSW in March.

check them out @ and
Bellandonna is simply the band that is making the whole Rome proud!

But what do YOU think, rather than their bio?

I'm a bit confused by the "new genre" thing - surely that's something that has to be said about you rather than by you?

I gave it a listen and it's okay but won't be racing into my top ten - but the singer sounds she is holding back, as if she isn't quite finishing her sentences. In fact I'd say that's true of all of them - they sound like they have a bit more to offer than what's on there. I'm guessing the live performances have a lot more oomph!
Elias Viljanen - Taking the Lead (2002)
Elias Viljanen - The Leadster (2005)

He's the new guitar player for Sonata Arctica. His albums are mostly instrumental (the new one coming out this year has some vocals) in the vein of Joe Satriani/Steve Vai.

Personally I think it would be good driving music. Rocking enough to keep you nodding your head but calm enough as to not piss off any people who happen to be riding in your car. Then again, I don't know how to drive so I could be wrong :lol:

Regardless, if you like guitar music or even Joe Satriani then check out Elias :)


This is a three song EP featuring Pete Morten on vocals and Sam Shuttlewood on guitars. The band plays an explosive mix of Power Metal and Prog Metal. The whole affair was mixed by none other than the mighty Karl Groom so you know you're in for quality production. Karl also guests on the first song 'The New Crusade' where he plays a very emotional solo - the second guitar solo - you'll recognise Karl's soloing straightaway! Sam Shuttlewood gives in some heavy riffage that will kick your ass all over the place!

You can listen to Nightmare World on the myspace HERE. If you like what you hear, I would urge you to support the band by buying their EP from their myspace page for a mere £3.00. Support the music and the musicians!
They're simply a fantastic band, sounding fantastic on cd and even more fantastic live; plus they're a fantastic bunch of guys.

It it ok now? :D

But you're still not telling us anything about the record. One could apply your description to hundreds of other bands and records, therefore making your description useless.

When making a recommendation, give us specifics. Tell us why you liked the record and why you think we would like it. You don't have to go into great technical detail but tell us clearly why you recommend an album or DVD without using general description such as: this is awesome. That is great, etc. For example below is a recommendation I made for WINGER'S LIVE DVD some time back:

"WINGER - Live
I would recommend the new live DVD by Winger, simply entitled Live. It truly lives up to its name. The band gives you a vulgar display of musicianship whilst being highly technical and yet conjuring great melodies - a feat in itself. The band is made up of Reb Beach and Jon Roth on guitars, Rod Morgenstein of drums (this guy is a monster) and last but not least Kip Winger on bass, keyboards and vocals (what a voice!).

Visually the camera changes happen at just the right moment and there are no special effects that ruin so many of the recent live DVDs!.

Get it...thank me later!"

Hope this helps.
Hey, just watched "The Story Of Anvil": a masterpiece! A sort of "true", modern day Spinal Tap-like documentary, you won't probably become Anvil fans but you'll surely fell in love with the guys!

The dvd is just 12 eurobucks on, btw