recommend me a bass for my studio under 500$


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
I want to upgrade the cheap Dean I bought for my little studio. Its done its job, but I want something a little more versatile and higher quality.

Id like to spend 500$ or less... Im privy to Ibanez because its what my current electrics are, but im not sure which of their models are produced in indo/korea/ and what is at least worth the $$$...

But im open to suggestions... Best bang for buck!!
Those Ibanez 500 series SoundGears are real nice for the money.

Playability is hard to beat at any price range.
Mexican Jazz bass. I can't stand Schecter basses, as good as their guitars are for the money. Pure click!

+1. For $500 you should be able to grab some decent pups as well (go used). To bad you don't live in the area someone was selling (I almost grabbed it since he provided pics of all dings plug a pic of the thing with the neck unbolted) an American J 4 string bass with a mexican neck.
+1 on a Mexican Jazz bass. I grabbed a new one off of ebay for $480. I'm gonna throw some Bartolinis in it and call it a day.

I'm actually in the same boat. Would you guys say a Jazz bass or P Bass would be better for metal? Or are they pretty similar?
On a higher budget scale ($800-$1000), I'm considering either a Fender Geddy Lee Jazz Bass, or an Ibanez Sharlee D'Angelo bass for my studio. Any recommendations in that range? Not trying to hijack the thread, I've just had bad luck with sub-$500 basses in the past.
mexican jazz (or an old squier japanese one) would be a good choice, if you buy used you'll have some decent cash left over to upgrade pickups if you'd like

personally i use an old ibanez sr800, which is leagues better than any current bass they have in your price range

schecter and ltd make some pretty decent stuff as well
I'll probably go with the SR500 myself,

but for around $600 the Geddy lee would be cool.

Around $800 a used Peavey Cirrus.....which is what I really want.

$800-1000 I'd probably pick up a used American Fender P or Jazz Deluxe or maybe an EBMM.
Schecter... My bassist got a Stilleto Custom 4 for around the price range you want and it is EXCELLENT.

Mexican Jazz bass. I can't stand Schecter basses, as good as their guitars are for the money. Pure click!

I tried afew Schecter basses in a store afew weeks ago. Alot of them were clicky; The Studio 4 and 5 were awsome and quite versatile. Very usable controls that can get the required balance of click and full lows.

FWIW, I hate clicky bass tones, so if you like them, you may want to look at the other Schecter basses too.
Those Ibanez 500 series SoundGears are real nice for the money.

Playability is hard to beat at any price range.

+1 right here

i've been looking hard at the ibanez SR500...the mexican jazz basses are nice, but they wouldn't be my preference for metal

the SR500 runs about $550 new, but you might be able to score one for less on the 'bay...
I bought a used Peavey Cirrus (walnut top/wings/neck with maple stringers) for like $580 I think. Bass played and sounded great. Couldn't stand the 35" scale though so I sold it. Would love to have one again if they made em in 34" scale.

Also, if you want a Cirrus and can't find a deal on used US, the BXP are absolutely awesome. Plus you can buy the US Cirrus preamp from Peavey for like $75. Peavey rules!
I bought an Ibanez SR505 a few months ago, mainly for having it around, and love it.
My buddy (mainly guitarist as well but now plays bass in a deathgrind band) got an SR506 and is totally happy with it as well.

Our bassist got himself an SRX595 (I think that's what it's called), as he liked that one better than the SRs.
We tried to record it for our album but finally decided to use my SR505 instead.

BTW, stay away from the Peavey Grind NTB models at all costs, the pickups in those are pure junk, these basses are a total mudfest. I'm not talking about the Cirrus, just wanted to give a headsup because our bassist's old bass was the Grind NTB-5 and it pretty much sucked.