Recommend me a good and cheesy guitar

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001

I want something that looks straight out the 80's, but ACTUALLY sounds pretty good.

I want to tune it to C or B however, so, a tremelo would just be a pain in the ass... however... almost fucking everything seems to have a trem on it... sooooo..

But, you know.. think George Lynch, Vernon Reid, or almost anything BC Rich.. or even some of Dime's older brighter looking shit.

Got that?

This is for stage use... just kind of to fuck around like a douche with... but obviously I still want at least DECENT sound and build quality...

So Im trying to stay around $500 here.

And know this... if it aint ESP or Jackson, I dont know a fucking thing about it... so if yer gonna recommend BC Rich or Ibanez or anything.. I'll need to know the little hints... you know... names to look out for, and shit to watch out for.. etc etc.

Thanks in advance!

or this:

those hello kitty guitars are fucking badass.

I seriously was gonna grab one and play a show of Cannibal Corpse covers, just to do it.
That Ibanez Xiphos looks beyond sweet, and you can get the Tremol-no to take care of the Floyd annoyances.
See, Chryst knows whats up...

I need some Winger looking fucking guitar... the ultra cheese... some bright ridiculous colors and shit.

Dean makes some real cheesy looking shit.. anybody know whats what with them? Which lines and years are better than others?
See, Chryst knows whats up...

I need some Winger looking fucking guitar... the ultra cheese... some bright ridiculous colors and shit.

Dean makes some real cheesy looking shit.. anybody know whats what with them? Which lines and years are better than others?

Fuck yeah .

Dean does make some good shit if what I hear is correct. Just peep the specs to make sure the guitar isn't made out of Agathis or some other bullshit.

However I'm thinking the way to go for this is eBay. They have a whole slew of guits that are straight out of the 80s. It's all a matter of making sure you get quality.

The only problem I can see having hear is the non-trem guitar. Most of the eighties fiddles were sporting this feature, and I agree it is a bitch, but they do aid in the ultra 80's Vai whammy tricks.
yeah... I just dont really ever do any of those whammy tricks.. I mean, honestly, I dont even know what the fuck TO do with it really...

Some bright yellow obnoxious bastard would be the winner, for sure.
Well note my mention of the tremol-no above, but also, my favorite use of the whammy is for subtle accents and stuff in solo-ing, cuz I'm big into that - a modern band that uses it a lot is Evergrey (the solo in "Visions" off Recreation Day, for example). I second the ebay thing though; any current guitar model these days is bound to be owned by someone, and I personally can't stand the redneck rock stigma of Dean, so old school Jackson or some such would be my vote.
Dammit Radd... thats not what I mean at all.

And yes, Im familiar with Ron Thal's weirdo guitars.
haha JR, awesome... thats pretty much what Im talking about.

And 2 posts? Welcome to the forum.