Recommend me a movie...?

about schmidt. its like a look at your possible future .. very heavy and emotional. was intense ... it seems so possible too, which is scarey

(that just popped into my head, saw it the other day)
Where Eagles Dare, without a doubt. Watch it , watch it now.

Edit: I misread, you should see something else if you want to see movie like that.
Anything by Ingmar Bergman- especially Wild Strawberries and The Seventh Seal.

Fellini's La Dolce Vita and 8 1/2

Any movie by Andrei Tarkovskii Especially Andrei Rubylev, Stalker, and The mirror.

Apocalypse Now- since you like the thin red line

Paths of Glory

Hm the three colors series and the decalogue by kieslowski

I think Requiem for a dream is horribly overrated except for the technical aspect of the film, the story is quite preposterous, horribly fatalistic even for my tastes, and way over the top. yet, it still is a damn good movie, i must admit.
Speed hit the nail on the head with The Seventh Seal - a beautiful film.
Bodylouse, are you talking about Irreversible by Vincent Cassell? If so, then yes it is graphic, but it is far emptier and lacking depth when compared to his other films. (Try La Haine first, before watching this one).

Otherwise, any of the following: Clockwork Orange, Kagemusha (Kurosawa), Akira (whether you consider yourself a fan of anime or not), Don't Look Now, or Vertigo.