Recommend me some black metal

Definately +1 on Windir. Emperor, Ihsahn, Dissection, Enslaved, Borknagar, Dragonlord, Samael, Limbonic Art, old Arcturus, Summoning, Destroyer 666, Satyricon, Keep of Kalessin. I much prefer progressive, symphonic or death/thrashy BM, not the one-man band depressive/neo-necro stuff. Also for the prog-black lovers, Ne Obliviscaris from Australia.
Well, I'm the opposite of your description :) Hur e läget? Just came back from a goodbye party for our Slovakian and Romanian exchange students, and had a blast :cool:

But then again, I don't enjoy only black metal, I also like anything from drum & bass to jazz to industrial to neoclassical :lol:

oh hehe yes you are VERY different from those I know because they don't listen to ANYTHING but black metal. One of them listens to some death metal too though, and some Strapping Young Lad but that's about it, and he's the only one :p

No I didn't say any of us are debating about one genre being better than the other, I just threw it out there in order to avoid any of that stuff after my post because it may have sounded like I was trying to crap-talk black metal.

Yeah I know that it is a little silly to dismiss an entire genre just because of the actions of some individuals but dude... EVERYONE I know that listens to black metal are seriously strange people. They are weird, keep to themselves and never meet any new people, they're so locked up in their own world. And every black metal dude I have met somehow that I DON'T know are also acting the same way. So therefore, my judgements are based on what I have personally seen IRL, and I just feel that it doesn't fit me. I'm sort of paranoid that I'll end up like them if I start listening to BM, haha ;) No but seriously, the music itself is just too unappealing for me, I can't help it.

You might still think I'm silly for thinking this way but anyway :)

Fair enough :)

they don't listen to ANYTHING but black metal.

See, i think this is the core of the issue. anyone who listens to one genre exclusively and rejects all other music is clearly a bit nuts to begin with :D
I love black metal, but there's no way in Hell :)heh:) I would only listen to black metal. I usually bounce from death metal to black metal to thrash to prog to classic rock to doom etc . . . I couldn't be happy with one style or genre of music. There's way too much good music out there to get stuck with only one type. By the way, I used to be a police officer and I listened to black metal a lot. It never made me want to cut myself or kill a goat, I just enjoy the furious riffing. I used to make it a point to blast some heavy shit when I arrested a G-Money kind of guy, used to scare the fuck out of them!! :heh:

FUCK YES!!!! how did these guys ever slip my mind? I would highly recommend their second album, "Two Hunters".

And yeah, Immortals makeup is dumb as fuck but their performance at Graspop last year was, by far, the greatest gig i have ever seen. ridiculously brilliant is all i can say about it.