Recommend me some books

korpse pop

Horde of Undead Vengeance
Jun 22, 2005
Recommend me some good books about audio production and running a studio! I'm looking for something that covers the basic fundamendals that everyone should know.
I'm looking for a basics book since I have never read a book on recording music and I think it's about a time :D There must be lots of basic stuff that I should know, but that I never had to deal with, and besides that I'm starting a studio with a couple of friends that are not too experienced and I would give the book for them after reading it.
+1 on Modern Recording Techniques by David Miles Huber, great book that covers everything from mic'ing to mixing to monitoring setups to room treatment!
I highly recommend this book:

Modern Recording Techniques covers pretty much all the fundamentals in tons of detail.