Recommend me some PoS

get the BE live dvd/cd combo. watch the dvd first. and buy remedy lane. that's all the advice i'm equiped to give at the moment. hahah i'm listening to be right now. (live is MUCH better than studio)

yeah, i have their newest album, scarsick, and i just don't listen to it. it sounds like Korn or something. i dunno, it's got it's moments.... but not alot of them. those are the only albums i have so far... but they are brilliant (except scarsick)
before this thread goes to shit...

In order:

1. Remedy Lane
2. The Perfect Element Part 1
3. BE
4. 12:5
5. One Hour By The Concrete Lake
6. Entropia
7. The Perfect Element Part 2 - Scarsick

BE is very conceptual and eclectic, 12:5 is entirely acoustic. Both are excellent in their own ways. The two essential albums are the first two I listed. #5-6 are also quite good. Scarsick is a controversial album. Most people (ie, most Americans) hate it for the blatant political bashing, not-as-prog arrangements, and genre-skipping. Personally I like it, but I still rate it as their weakest so far.
Scarsick is a controversial album. Most people (ie, most Americans) hate it for the blatant political bashing, not-as-prog arrangements, and genre-skipping.

I think the biggest controversy about it is the ridiculous level of 'suck' that it contains...especially considering everything else they've recorded. It's like Mcdonalds...tastes like shit in it's own right, but eat it after grandmother's lasagna and it flat out makes you want to throw up. :Puke:

Good call with Remedy Lane and TPE though, those are definitely the best albums to start off with. All the others are great, but they (especially BE) can be harder to get into for someone just checking out the band.
the problem with PoS is the vocalist has no balls... or they were squeezed too many times... :heh:
partial joke he's.... OK

seems like their slow stuff might be their strong suit ?
Get anything except for BE and SCARSICK....

After multiple listens The Perfect Element hits like a ton which makes it their best...
Am I allowed to chime in on this thread???

I still have, and still, on occasion, listen to One Hour By The Concrete Lake. There might even be a song or 2 on Entropia that doesn't give me the runs, along with projectile vomiting. EVERYTHING else after those 2 cds is just bleh, IMO.

Scarsick has some interesting moments, by I've had my fill of Daniel Gildenlow, and his political-I wanna be the Bono of Progressive Metal-bullshit. I wouldn't wipe my @ss with Danny Goldenblow's tongue!

EVERY time I've had the opportunity to see them live, I always gave them a chance, and the very last time they played Prog Power, even some of their die hard fans notice how ill prepared they were for what was supposed to be a "fans choose the setlist" kind of event.

If I have to applaud DG for one thing, he HAS stuck to his guns, and hasn't waivered much. So I don't think he's doing it for the sake of controversy, he appears to honestly believe himself. Too bad his views make my blood boil, and his music makes my colon spasm, & NOT in a good way.
I have tried to like PoS since Be came out but, their music does absolutely nothing for me. I have been trying on and off for years to "get" it. Still nothing. Well, 12:5 is pretty good.
With that said, I completely agree with and admire him on his political views.:)
I don't think that has to be the case though. I may agree with what he says but, the way he presents it (Vocally and instrumentally in this case) I don't really like.
I only have Remedy Lane and Be. Remedy Lane is pretty awesome. It's very emotional music, with little shred, just so you know. Be is quite out there with huge emphasis on the concept and the songs go through a bunch of different styles not usually found in the genre we listen to, lol. I can't recommend it to start.
i don't agree with his political views, but i do agree with his spiritual moral and logical views. in be and remedy lane. there is no trace of politics to be found (on the surface). i can ignore most political jargin on scarsick, but i even dislike it musically. it reminds me of korn, and that takes my mind back to a place in my life i don't want to be... THE NEW METAL PHASE!!!! (gasp)

but yeah, dan gildenlow is a GREAT vocalist. one of my favorites actually. he isn't afraid of anything. he's very emotional at times with a great range of strong power. one of the best in the genre no doubt.
I agree with almost all of his views. :lol: But then I'm an American-Society hater too.

Scarsick? Korn? I don't see the connection. Unless you mean the whole rap-rock thing, which Korn purportedly started in the 90s. Since the first two or three songs on Scarsick contain vocals which might be considered "rap". Other than that, I'd have to disagree.
alot of the guitar work an unfortunately even vocals remind me of korn. best examples are modern mother mary, idiocracy, and flame to moth.