Recommend monitors for semi-noob


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Thinking about taking the step and getting real monitors. I really only record/mix as a hobby and have only recorded 2 bands the entire time I've been doing this. I mix in a total shit room, with no treatment. (I know, not good....) But I'm wondering what some of you may recommend for a first monitor. I hear good stuff about KRKs and I'm pretty sure I heard some good talk about Yamahas around here. Something maybe 8" and decent price. Or would I just be better off getting good headphones for mixing?
IMO there's no point in buying monitors, only to put them in a shitty room. You'd be better off with nice cans and a decent hifi system to check overall balances (which is hard to do on cans), but that's me...back to your original question, I see that a lot of folks like their Equator D5, and they are only 300$ a pair.
Check out the Equator D5s if you're on a budget. They are getting rave reviews for the price, and I'm really happy with mine. I had a $600 pair of Mackie MR8 monitors and the Equators are better in every respect (stereo imaging, midrange clarity, and focused low-end).

Gearslutz reviews:

The low end is better than you would expect for a 5.25" speaker, but I use my ATH-M50s to check everything and that's working well so far.