Record Collector's Thread

Oct 8, 2005
This thread is for all things about record collecting. I guess this can be a cd collectors thread also, I know a couple of people who collect cds now. But the main focus is vynil.
Why do you collect? and what do you think about analog vs digital
How big is your collection?
Any tips for collectors who are just starting out (e.g. me)?
Favorite albums?

Like I said, I've just started collecting. I found some cheap ones at a local records store: Iron Maiden- Flight of Icarus, Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg- Twin Sons of a Different Mother, The 5th Dimension- Greatest Hits on Earth, Seals and Crofts- Greatest Hits. These ranged from $1 to $5, so I thought might as well since they're so cheap.

and here are my 2 newest additions:


Watershed and Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill
I was psyched to acquire Diver Down by Van Halen in the peak of my fandom with the band. But the favorite piece of my four vinyl collection is Delicate Sound of Thunder by Pink Floyd. I got it for Christmas and it was completely unexpected, it was just so cool and owning what I consider a piece of PF history feels so awesome.

Yeah, I am a newbie, but still....
Seals and Crofts ftw, I got their greatest hits and Diamond Girl on vinyl along with Americas' Homecoming all for around $4 each, soon to start collecting more.
I've been known to collect a vinyl record or two. I've been collecting for about 3 years, although my collection is still quite modest. This is the current collection:

Empyrium - Weiland
Enslaved - Isa (Grey vinyl)
Enslaved - Ruun
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance (Red vinyl)
Opeth - Orchid (Original on Displeased Records)
Opeth - Morningrise (Original on Displeased Records)
Opeth - My Arms Your Hearse (Original on Displeased Records)
Opeth - Still Life
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Opeth - Still Day Beneath The Sun/Patterns In The Ivy II (7" - Black vinyl)
Opeth - Deliverance (Picture Disc)
Opeth - Damnation
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Opeth - Watershed
Paradise Lost - In Requiem
Paradise Lost - In Requiem (7" vinyl boxset)
White Zombie - Astro Creep: 2000 (Translucent Blue vinyl)

Adding to the collection soon:
Green Carnation - The Trilogy (Journey To The End Of The Night; Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness; A Blessing In Disguise)
Edge Of Sanity - Crimson I/II

I collect partly for a sense of nostalgia, and partly because I find vinyl records to be so damn cool!
This thread is for all things about record collecting. I guess this can be a cd collectors thread also, I know a couple of people who collect cds now. But the main focus is vynil.
Why do you collect? and what do you think about analog vs digital
How big is your collection?
Any tips for collectors who are just starting out (e.g. me)?
Favorite albums?

1. I collect cause I love music. I want the physical media, fuck iTunes and that garbage.
2. I think digital media has more dynamic capacity, but rarely is used to its full ability. The loudness war of compression ruins a lot of albums.
3. About 200 or so.
4. I shop on ebay for vinyl, and at used book stores. You can nail a lot of great stuff for $1, and get the really rare ones on ebay for $20. As for having a turntable to play them on, I've got an Audiotechnica PL100 and love it. Direct drive is the way to go.
5. I can't really name a favorite since there are so many good ones.
I adore vinyl. I prefer it over cd's. There is something special about owning a vinyl and having to take care of them. My collection is pretty small, around 40 records. however, each one is considered a favorite record, so my collection will never be huge.
I have some rarer ones, but not in 'mint' condition, as it were, of the ones that would, if they were, be worth $1000s. I'm a listener first, collector second. So all of my Beatles albums are either not first edition or in VG condition. Which is fine with me. Yes - Union is fairly rare. I'm still on the hunt for Yes - The Ladder. I've got Ulver - Blood Inside splatter, Agalloch - Ashes clear orange, Agalloch/Nest PD Split, for example of some of the less common. I *DO* buy stuff like Foreigner for $1 at old bookstores. I don't particularly care that it's as common as sand, if I like the music. And if I like the music, I'll go to some length to pick something up. That should answer the question?
I collect for the purpose of the music, I am a listener. A way of facilitating the listening process I buy records (and cds)

Due to the "loudness war" most of the records are way better than their cd siblings.

I own around 300 records mainly classic. (50-70 is non-classic music)

If you want to start well just start buying, try e-bay sometimes there are small collections for sale that can be purchased fairly cheep.