Record some Opeth w/guitars part 3

Mr. Niel said:

I got bored today (***and recorded a few shitty clips besides these two). I guess I took the guess work out...sorry.

Windowpane is sort of cheating cause I used bass and my shitty keyboard too.

(Fuck it, use all the instruments. Record it, but record it good.)

(***fuck those other four that were on here originally. They sucked.)

I have the Drapery Recorded in full on my comp, I will put it up later.
if i could use my other computer (which is borken), then i could upload basically every song off damnation, bwp, deliverance, and some of still life that i have recorded/can record.

but i cant.
6Arch6Enemy6 said:

It's the last part of Masters Apprentices.. not exactly the hardest part to play, but it sounds nice.
(the rhythm you use for this kinda makes it sound like a irish drinking song or something. And of course, Irish drinking songs fukkin' rock!!!!!!)

I disagree with suislide. The direct in tone with all that distortion kinda makes it sound like Sonic Youth. :loco: