recording 5150 with impulse-stupid monitoring question


Mar 18, 2010
Guys im using a saffire pro 10io and a thd hotplate set at load with my 5150, using IRs.

I thought i was monitoring through the daw (cubase) but when i turned monitoring off i noticed i was still getting sound which is why i was so frustrated i have been hearing the dry signal which is really fuzzy and have a phasey sound as well because of the wet signal being there.

I just cant for the hell of me figure out how to turn off the incoming signal from going out directly- without muting the whole thing lol

Any help?

Any help with my noob question? :oops:

Should i be looking at my DAW to kill the dry signal? or is it an interface issue??
Ouch what a dumb ass.. I was muting the outputs.. duh.

Thanks a lot for the help! Now my last problem is getting rid of the ground loop!

Thanks again!
Thanks again Guitarguru for all the help! I guess i knew that but i was too lazy to go buy a new plug hehe because the 5150 cant reach the outlet used for all the rest!

I tried desoldering the shield end of the cable connected on the hotplate side and it worked! before the cable died because i suck at that hahaha (but i did use a REALLY cheap cable to try it on!)

Otherwise i have an isolation transformer but i need it in my rack!!

So I guess im just gonna need to shut up and plug it in the same outlet like you siad

Cheers guitarguru :)