recording and the rest...


POTM vox 'n keyz
Apr 8, 2003
I dunno if this is the best forum to ask, but I think it is more interesting discussing it here then anywhere else on a "general" rock forum.

Many times I wondered how a cd is actually "made". I can understand that each instrument and vocals are recorded seperately. When combining all these recordings in a music program, one can adjust the volume and panning of the several tracks to come a nice result... those are about the things I know and the big secret for me is, what do the following words mean:

-producing. The Sun Caged cd is produced by Joost van den Broek and Sun Caged. What exactly does this mean?

-mixing. Probably this is what I described above, but maybe I'm wrong missing some important details.

-mastering. I haven't a clue what mastering is about. Can someone explain this to me?

Also I would like to know how the project of getting your song on a cd arranged and in which phases, probably containing the elemens described above and probably some more, like arranging some cool artwork, getting someone who wants to print the cd and artwork, someone who wants to sell it for you, etc.

And also: what exactly is the role of a "label" (like Lion Music). Are they the distributors? What do the words "record company" often heard in the music world exactly mean?

I hope someone can clear up my n00b questions here ;). And no, I am not ashamed to not know all these things :p.