Recording Equipment Help


New Metal Member
Mar 8, 2006
I'm looking to get a setup so i can record myself and maybe at a bit of a later date my band.
I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out with what i will need to get and computer specs etc as im a bit unsure about this and i dont want to end up with a load of crap
Any help would be great.

Cheers guys
Best card on a budget that can record you and a band half decently i would say is a 1010lt, about £150 new now i think. Computer spec wise, you're gonna need a 3 or 4 gig processor and dual core would be a bonus. Ram wise, a gig will be enough for starters.

If budget isnt a constraint, the guys around here will gladly advise :D
Yes...and if you were going to record a band I would personally get the rackmount 1010 instead of the LT. I wasn't aware that 4GB CPU's were even out yet.

006 said:
I wasn't aware that 4GB CPU's were even out yet.

Yeah, they pretty much bottle-necked at 3.5-ish GHz, but depending how technical you want to get a 2Ghz dual-core chip gives you similar performance to what you would get from a 4Ghz single-core processor - if theory it should actually be quicker. Basically, to make chips faster on one core you need to keep making the silicon wafer they're printed on thinner, so they gave up with that and decided to run parallel cores instead. Although they don't work any faster, you increase the bandwidth, meaning you can do more at once - so the end result is pretty similar.

Not that that's what Kev actually meant... :goggly:

Right...but, he said...

kev said:
Computer spec wise, you're gonna need a 3 or 4 gig processor and dual core would be a bonus.

...which leaves me with the impression that he was referring to a dual-core as a seperate option, other than getting a 3 or 4 gig CPU. I know how dual cores work...I have a dual 2.0 PowerMac G5.

If want preamps and you're not trying to get the latest and greatest you can find the older generation Aardvark Q10 for pretty cheap on eBay (around $350). That would give you the eight inputs and preamps with a PCI interface. My friend has one from a few years ago and he still makes some smoking recordings with it.

The Presonus Firepod is fairly easy to pick up used on Ebay too (maybe around $400-$450). Just a thought...
Coprosatanica said:
If want preamps and you're not trying to get the latest and greatest you can find the older generation Aardvark Q10 for pretty cheap on eBay (around $350). That would give you the eight inputs and preamps with a PCI interface. My friend has one from a few years ago and he still makes some smoking recordings with it.

The Presonus Firepod is fairly easy to pick up used on Ebay too (maybe around $400-$450). Just a thought...

Be warned that the aardvark q10 has no more customer support.
what about a preamp for those just wanting to record guitars. so 2 XLR Mic ins. I dont need 8 in 8 out .

Budget would be around $350 AUD.

Something like the Lexicon Lambda. However that is USB. However I didnt have any problems recording with an Omega.
poidaobi said:
what about a preamp for those just wanting to record guitars. so 2 XLR Mic ins. I dont need 8 in 8 out .

Budget would be around $350 AUD.

For that budget people are going to say DMP3 or RNP.