Recording music on a budget


A Killer Robot
Jul 1, 2005
Kent, England
If i wanted to record some music I was playing on a piano, perhaps some vocals as well, what is the cheapest piece of equipment I could do this with? The quality doesn't have to be good, it just has to be able to record and connect to a computer.
I think there are some free softwarez for recording out there, shareware and the like. Wasn't there a free version of some Pro Tools program? Anyway, here's a free one, haven't tried it but for basic recording it's probably ok:

Get a mic like MasterOLightning says for about 10-20 bucks and you'll be set. Don't expect any quality sounds though...
+1 for the Shure SM57, it's a bit pricier than one of those cheaper computer mics but it'll last a lot longer & can more easily take the kind of volume you'd get from a piano. They're tough mics too, they can take a beating.
if you're going to put $90-100 towards a mic to record piano, making it a SM57 is a really dumb choice

look at studio projects B1 and maybe some ADK mics