Recording Question


Alabama Man
Jan 30, 2005
Berkeley, CA
Chris or Mark,

When you guys record what order do you typically go about recording the instruments? Do you all run through the songs together and then go back and record separately? I mean I know keyboards and samples probably aren't done together, but I was wondering how you all plan to record before actually doing it and if you record in the same way every time you do an album. In any regard, you guys sound very tight as a band.

metalgtr84 said:
Chris or Mark,

When you guys record what order do you typically go about recording the instruments? Do you all run through the songs together and then go back and record separately? I mean I know keyboards and samples probably aren't done together, but I was wondering how you all plan to record before actually doing it and if you record in the same way every time you do an album. In any regard, you guys sound very tight as a band.

Hey metalgtr84,

Typically we record scratch guitars to a click, then the drums record to that. At that point we record rhythm guitars, bass, leads, and finally vocals. Samples and extras are added last (Chicken clucks and what not).
Take care, Chris.