Recording school

Sep 16, 2004
hey is recording school worth the big bucks? especially with all the stuff you can do on a pc? I mean i already know mixers, compressors, impeadances, ect.... So what do they teach now? Some of the courses i've seen seem awfuly expensive to just learn how to use a particular peice of software. I'm still trying to get enough money for the equipment i need to get started. I got the software and I'm trying to master it so when i do get some good interfaces i can start recording right away.

Well it probably would teach you stuff you don't know but like anything you don't need school to learn how to do it. It's probably more useful for getting a job doing that kind of a thing.

I don't know what I'm talking about though so... don't mind me!
Some of those schools are BIG bucks. My opinion is it would be better for you to find a good studio that wants a "grunt." Use that opportunity to be mentored, a sort of apprenticeship, in between service coffee. :)

Seriously, I think you'll learn far more if you can hang around a good engineer than spending money, or worse, borrowing it, and ending up at a studio as a grunt to start off anyway.

For what it's worth, as I'm just a home studio hack...
I went to one of the big recording schools and although I learnt a lot about hi end gear and got to work with bands using this gear where are you when youve finished?
By the time I had finished I was very competant in using neve desks and 2" tape machines and a 2 track mastering package called pro tools was on its way.. FSK tape syncing ring a bell to anybody? thought not.

It wouldnt suprise me if most people who go to recording school finish and go and work in a recording school. Have a look in the back of mags like sound on sound at the ratio of training available to situations vacant.