I tried death growl and it doesn't feel really good to me, because you need shit loads of air in order to project that brutal sound and its really easy to make me dizzy even faint.
You're doing it wrong. Plus you need to practice and exercise your breathing if you can't push enough air.
And it fucked up my throat as well
You're doing it wrong.

And to add, try your vocals with SM57 or SM58. They handle screams very well.
At least all my screaming styles (I don't use false chord or fry) sound good even without any processing.
Plus those mics handle processing really nicely, check out some clips (SM57):
Like Gujukal said, a tube screamer VST might help you. And all kinds of saturation plugins too.
A lot of screaming vox are compressed and saturated to hell and back these days, so that's a part of the sound.
Though, I don't mean that you can leave skills out of the equation by just compressing and saturating the vox.

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