Recording tube amps without a load box?


Jul 17, 2012

Is there any validity to this, or is it something that will slowly destroy your amp?

I only ask because if this works without destroying my Dual Rec then this will save me a ton of money on buying a load box.
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After checking the Orange forums (it's always best to check an actual amp forum first on matters like this), it should work. However, keep in mind that you do, in fact, need to keep the amp connected to your cab. If you don't do that, then the power section will have problems, but as long as the cab is connected, this should work.
I have done this before with a Mesa Road King. Works great. If you leave the return open you can keep the cab on for monitoring if you want. Turn the channel volume up and the master down.
I have heard about this method and never really gave it any thought, since I think it's far more of a demo kind of thing, but I think I may give it a shot in a few weeks when I get my amp back.
It works great. You'll be missing some of that beef from the power amp since you are only getting signal from the preamp but it still sounds pretty good. If you get a loadbox with a line out you'll get a more accurate sound of the amp though. Some amps rely on the power amp more than others.
There is one thing to keep in mind, even with this method you still need a load, a speaker is fine. Understand though that with most amps, there is still some signal being sent to the power amp and there will be some sound coming from the speaker. It is really quiet and muffled if not completely silent, but you still need a load of some sort.
It works, but you won't record the poweramp section and you will still need a load (in that case, the cab is the load).

If you own a DI that can handle speaker levels, you'll be better trying these chains :

Poweramp output > DI > Output to Pre > converters > DAW
----------------------> Thru to Cab (or any kind of load)


Poweramp output 1 > Cab
Poweramp output 2 (same Ohms than 1) > DI > Output to Pre > converters > DAW

This one is explained here :
I don't put anything in the return jack, I put down the master volumen and I still can play though impulses in silence.
The power amp section could be in theory replaced ITB - Ownhammer's Power Amps produced for Nebula could do it, or alternatively using a VST amp sim like TSE's X50 where the preamp section can be turned off.

Follow that with your normal impulse or Nebula cab.

Can't comment on the quality you'd get however!

Does anybody happen to know whether you can do with with a Bugera? I own a 6260 combo.
there's a guy that does this with a b52 at100 and gets some good results....see youtube.
i have suggested running an amp without powertubes and no load, just using it as a preamp and getting a line out, but there was lots of backlash against the idea. it works for me.
Of course, the poweramp can be replaced with a VST... you can also replace the preamp with a VST sim too, you know what I mean ?
I think it's better to record the full sound of your head, so the whole preamp + poweramp thing.
But yeah, in practice you can only record the send and use a VST sim poweramp, or directly an impulse that was done with a tube poweramp.
Here's a little test i did with my Peavey Windsor

My chain:
Barber Direct Drive > Windsor > Fx send to interface > x50 with preamp off > Recabinet > ReaEQ

Im not too happy with it but i think it definitely has a lot of potential and with an even better amp i can see it being very easy to get great results.

What do you guys think?
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Here's a little test i did with my Peavey Windsor

My chain:
Barber Direct Drive > Windsor > Fx send to interface > x50 with preamp off > Recabinet > ReaEQ

Im not too happy with it but i think it definitely has a lot of potential and with an even better amp i can see it being very easy to get great results.

What do you guys think?

I wouldn't even bother with the x50 step. Just run the amps signal into your impulses. that should cut down on the muddiness.
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Recabinet3 IR's are done with a solid state poweramp, so you'll definitely need some kind of poweramp (VST or not) before hiting it.

I just bought some Ownhammer Nebula poweramps (VHT 2/90/2 KT88 and Fireball 6L6) to use with my hardware guitar preamps, and they're great !
They should work well with the recorded send of an amp (but you'll need a commercial version of Nebula).

One more thing to keep in mind : try to use a DI after the send, you'll get a cleaner and more defined low end (I always do that with my guitar pres).