recording vocals with monitor blasting??

So this thread got me thinking, why then is every other member of the band forced into isolation when recording, almost not given a choice on the matter and told to get used to tracking this way as it creates a better result but the singer gets to sing how he/she is most comfy even if it means we have to sacrifice quality to do so? :err:
Is it an ego thing? Why do they qualify for special treatment at the cost of quality?

I dont mind tracking vox in the control room but everyone wears cans when recording and speakers come up to hear the take. Its only fair on everyone else that had to get used to it, is it not?

(Serious question by the way)
Because vocals most of the time make or break the song, And in Metal, vocal performance is nearly all about attitude. FPE a singer is most likely to 'get in the zone' with a mic in his hand (as he does it in live performances), it just feels comfier and more natural to scream your guts out this way. Clean vocals are a whole different matter IMO.
but what I am saying is any other member of the band could argue the same point. Any instrument has the potential to make or break a CD.
Yes I understand the vocal is the most important as far as the listener is concerned but is that not more reason to expect the singer to allow us to take MORE care in the recording process?
The singer could hold the mic and still wear headphones? No?
I'd say, putting aside quantifying what instrument is more important, that vocals are perhaps the most difficult to discern while recording as far as monitoring goes. If all else is equal, the monitoring of every instrument while performing and recording is a more homogenous operation. A vocalist has more to discern because his or her execution and precision depends on what they hear and that's all internal; in their head. For me, playing guitar or striking percussion or whatever is external and I think easier to execute without hesitation. When singing, especially metal type of vocals, you have to be loud and exert power while perceiving this inside your head you've got your cue mix or reference cranked as well. The louder you are, the louder the cue mix has to be. It is somewhat more of a frustrating and potentially stifling process as opposed to, as mentioned already, the more natural setting of singing out loud without something on your head, muffling your hearing or "being in your own head" while trying to be precise and inspired.
Yeah, it is extremely important to be able to hear yourself, simply to 'feel powerful' while you are screaming/growling, and that is just not possible with headphones. Of course, a good vocalist is able to put in a good performance using headphones for monitoring. What I am saying is that I definitely acknowledge why would someone track vocals in the control room.
in a similar situation recording group vocals (singing and chants) i had a pa speaker firing in the null of one of my ribbons in figure 8.

whilst it worked great for groups with members either side of the polar pattern im sure this wont help with what you are trying to do.

in saying that experiment with placement of your mics in regards to their polar patterns and where your monitors are placed .. or alternatively i was going to say as everyone else has already mentioned with tracking a take without the vocals first.