recording vocals with monitor blasting??


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
ok i know this was covered before and i read into somewhat but now im about to try this and had a few questions.

ok so you record vocals with monitor blasing and singer scremaing.....

next you record monitor blasting and singer standing in same spot with mic and no screaming singing whatever.

Then you flip phase on the track with no vocals correct???

also i have no phase switch on my preams what other options can i do to do that??

any other tips and stuff i should look out for??
Just subtle and gating goes a long way too and knowing where to put ur mic

i don't even use the phase thing cos i don't have to , and i blast the monitors

it's fine
DO a search... Andy mentioned this a while back. It was when he was recording Chuck from Testament...
I beleive it consisted of flipping phase on the control room monitors (just one speaker), this way when the audio gets to the micorphone, it cancels itself out.
OK now I'm getting more confused :Smug:

I was gonna run a pa speaker and crank up by singer??

Does protools have that phase switch anyone??

and i cant just do phase after its recorded i have to flip phase to the speaker that is blasting by singer?

i thought you had to record track with out singer singing and speaker going so it could cancel each other out or something??

i guess I'm an idiot and need more explaining :loco:
DO a search... Andy mentioned this a while back. It was when he was recording Chuck from Testament...
I beleive it consisted of flipping phase on the control room monitors (just one speaker), this way when the audio gets to the micorphone, it cancels itself out.

hmm, my problem with that would be that i can only phase reverse the output, which would also phase the headphone bleeding into the mic

would it still work, thats kinda tricky
yea see i remeber being told that you phase reverse the secong track that you record with singer standing in the same spot but not singing i might be wrong though.
I quite don't get this method. I've someone coming in soon whose comfortable without headphones.

1. Record vocals with the monitors blasting
2. Record the song without the singer singing, flip the phase.

1. Do I invert the phase on one of my monitors? Or do I sum the output to mono?
2. Can the guy jump around? Or does he need to stay in one place?
3. If the guy jumps around, how would the other track cancel out the leakage?

Sorry for the bump.
I imagine the monitor phase thing would only work if the microphone was equidistance from each monitor, you'd get some cancellation otherwise but it wouldnt be total. Infact it might be the same for both methods.

-edit: Thinking about it, I imagine if he is jumping around you might get noticeable volume changes in the mic track where sometimes the music coming from the monitors is cancelled out more than other times, especially if he is a very energetic and dynamic individual. You might have some wierd effects when you compress that as well. Hopefully what I've said makes sense :\ lol
mic placement, shielding and flipping phase on one monitor while tracking should just about cover it

the guy doesn't have to be a statue but I wouldn't let him act like an asshole either

I've successfully tracked vocals this way. Results are not as good as with a booth but it minimizes the problem spots and you can't really tell in a mix
It's either you flip one of your monitors phase a way or another (should be easy in your daw) and just record normally, it should then naturally cancel itself out in the recorded track.


Record vocals w/ monitors, record monitors (singer standing in the same position so that the result is as acurate as practically possible), flip phase of the second track and it should cancel with the first track.

If the guy jumps around or is missing you might have a bit more of signal left even after cancellation, it's probably gonna be minor anyway
here's another option for you, i'm thinking as i type, never tried this but it should work well.

Set the mic and monitors up for the recording (no phase flipping on one monitor needed, although you could if you wanted to, try it out)
record a full pass of the song through the vocal mic (preferably with the singer roughly in position if he can stay quiet enough)
record the vocals
flip the phase on the recorded pass and sum it with the UNTREATED vocals (the signal path has to be identical for both)

You should get next to no monitor bleed whatsoever.

edit: HAH Mat beat me to it.

Other things to consider: this method won't work if you have any non-linear processing on the way in. If you track with a 1176 smashing the vocals then it won't respond anywhere near as much to the pass without vocals and so the method will fail
[FONT=Arial Narrow, sans-serif]- Ensure your speakers are both the same distance in front of the mic being used and[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow, sans-serif]aimed in at it so that the three form the points of an equilateral triangle. (Like a mix position)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow, sans-serif] - Now, wire one of the speakers 180 degrees polarity reversed. Make sure the signal feeding the speakers is in mono. This can be done either by hitting a “mono” switch on the board, DAW or panning everything to the center.
[FONT=Arial Narrow, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow, sans-serif]Because the mic is acting as one transducer the mono signal from the polarity reversed speaker will almost completely cancel with the other so there will be little to no leakage.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow, sans-serif]But since we have two tranducers, our ears, the vocalist will still hear a sufficient amount of the cue mix. Play around a bit and tweak positioning but the results are cool.
^ you honestly can't see that the font choice / size in your post is a bit headache inducing?

Makes me not want to read it ... not a good quality in an otherwise informative post
^ thats weird then, cause its not for me and I'm fairly certain not for others ....

maybe you just don't have whatever font was used on your pc so it just goes with a default?

EDIT: must be something like that ... just copy/pasted directly from his post without quoting and in went to forum default in the new post