Recording with a D4 or other Trigger Modules ?


Oct 31, 2005
I have a D4 module and I'm triggering my kick and 3 toms...

I will have it running into a Delta 1010LT soundcard.....and I'm already using the 2 preamps on the card, and another two inputs with DMP3 for overheads.

Now just wondering will I need to buy another preamp to go between my D4 and the sound card ? Or does the D4 amplify the sound enough to not need one ? :erk:

You should not record the actual sound from the D4. Record the MIDI information instead; that way it will be way easier to replace the hits with samples of you choice once you're done tracking.

And IF you by any reason (that I will never understand) want to record the sound from the D4 anyway; you don't need a preamp.
TheStoryteller said:
You should not record the actual sound from the D4. Record the MIDI information instead; that way it will be way easier to replace the hits with samples of you choice once you're done tracking.

How would I do that in Adobe Audition 1.5 ?

I know I have a midi in/out soundcard...... but recording the midi signal and replacing with samples, I know nothing.
my's a DM5 I'm getting.....but should be the same recording wise I think.

I was told by a drummer friend that some studios will fill the bass drum and toms with "cotton stuff" to deaden the sound and just use triggers on them.

Is this a good common practice ?
daemon097 said:
Has anybody used drumagog with triggered tom tones and have them come out somewhat natural sounding?

....everytime I've attempted to do so, the rolls always sound extremely fake....

Are you using only one sample? Make sure you've got random samples going on or else it'll sound like crap....and yes I've got them to come out better than "somewhat" natural sounding.
Genius Gone Insane said:
Are you using only one sample? Make sure you've got random samples going on or else it'll sound like crap....and yes I've got them to come out better than "somewhat" natural sounding.

do you use the hits from the recorded drumkit or from a sample cd ?
well, I tried andy's samples, I tried my own triggered samples, and I also tried some samples from cds....and I fully replace the signal..and it sounds very fake...

so Genius - what do you mean by "make sure you've got random samples going?"