Recto Question


Feb 20, 2005
So I got the privilege today of having band practice at the house of a lady friend of mine today...and this lady friend just happens to own a 2-channel Triple Rectifier! So I brought over my trusty Bogner 2x12 (she plays it through an old 2x15 Traynor cab uggghhhh) to hear how it sung, and holy god; any retard that thinks this thing sounds flubby/fizzy/undefined either needs to play it through a decent cab or work on his or her playing.

However, I must admit, I was somewhat surprised; although the low-end kick was there, the sound in general had kind of that "djent djent" quality that I associate with Engls. I love it, don't get me wrong, but it didn't sound ANYTHING like the tones on, say,
"DHiaDW" or "The Apostasy." Could it be that what I'm looking for is the sound of the new 3-channel models that people seem to dislike? Cuz if I were to buy a Recto, that's the sound I'd want; this thing was absolutely killer, but not as unique as I expected. And just FYI, I did a ton of tweaking, and settled on the diode rectification, "bold" rather than "spongy," and the eq/presence hovering around the 12 o'clock position. And the guitar was an ESP EC-400 w/ an 81 in the bridge.

Any thoughts?
I never liked the three channel dual/triples.... But the 2 channel rectos always sounded sweet to me....
I recently changed my tubes from Mesa EL34 (power) and Mesa 12ax7 (pre)
to Rubys 6L6 and Tung sol 12ax7. and my god what a difference!! Much more and better "modern" gain and 10x more and tighter low end!
I got those tubes recommended by the good people around here.