Red Aux Tracks in Pro Tools?


Aug 24, 2009
Manchester, UK
I've searched google and sneap before posting so please nobody ream me :p

Just received some tracks from america for me to mix on a dvd, it was recorded in a proper Pro Tools HD system on a Mac.

I've opened it up and there's Red Aux tracks (brighter red than the master fader) for gtr, bass, drum busses etc. I know they're aux's cos they've got the little arrow at the bottom of the track. But there's also Green Aux's in the session, like normal?

Normally on my Pro Tools LE system when using busses, I have to solo each track and the bus to hear anything (which is ridiculous). But with these the solo button on the busses have become redundant (which is what i've been wanting the whole time I've been a Pro Tools user).

Now, am I being an idiot and there's an option to change between these two 'solo states' or is it cos the session is from an HD system? But surely if these are from the HD system they wouldn't open on my LE? :hypno:

Very confused over here, please can somebody help haha.

in pt/le you can change the solo modes by going to options>solo mode>latch / x-or (cancels previous solo)

pt/hd has the other two plus momentary soloing... the track is only solo'd while the solo button is held down.

any track can be color coded (to whatever color desired) by double clicking the track "color" panel (at the bottom or top of the track).
I think you are describing "solo safe." Just ctrl click the solo button and solo should grey out on the track. As far as the colors go, you can change any of them to any color by double clicking the bottom of the strip (where the color is).
Cheers guys, although I do feel like a bit of a twat now haha. Needless to say I'll be using these new bits of information all the time now!