red fore fire vs black for death

Hm, powerful question. I think in the end of everything it would have to be In Harmonia Universali. It always felt like the BIGGEST album of theirs, and it's just always in my head.
nice, mine is Pills agains the ageless ills, however my all-time favorite Solefald song is definatley The Macho Vehicle. the rythm of that song is always in my head, and the ending part... words can not describe.

what about the rest of you guys?

i remember some time ago you mentioned that you did not have The Linear Scaffold and Neonism. did this affect your decision, or have you obtained them already?
Oh well, when I said that, I meant I don't own the physical cds, I did have the albums on my computer though. Those two albums are very rare right now, I have to wait for the re-issues to buy them I think. Pills an AWESOME album too, hell, I can understand why any Solefald album would be someone's favorite. Macho Vehicle is such a killer song. I think I liked Lazare's drumming the most on The Linear Scaffold. His drum tone was so much more powerful and his actual style was so much fuller. I think Countryside Bohemians is my favorite song on Linear Scaffold though, the climax is so epic and explosive and I love the rythm changes in the drums and the clean guitar.
im sorry, my pc ripped it off badly its actually a part from sun i call starting at minute 4:12 something like that. reminds me a lot of pale folklore
solefald comparing with agalloch..? did i miss something (as usual..) ?

anyway, karps, about the reissues.. what's new? i sent Avantgarde Music like 3 emails per month ever since you posted Cornelius' announcement (which is from his mailinglist as you mentioned, if i'm not mistaken) some time ago.
they NEVER replied. bastards.

i want to hear COSMOPHONY. and i know you want to hear it even more than me!

oh and one more thing, yeah Lazare is a very skilled drummer for sure, except on Carpatian Forest's Black Shining Leather. it sounds kind of 'hollow'.. weird
Cornelius said:
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Linear Scaffold & Neonism reissues
Category: Music

I am happy to announce - and this time for real! - that the two first Solefald albums are now scheduled for an imminent re-release on Avantgarde Music. I know it has taken a long time to have those old gems back in the shelves again. Coordinating the new layout and the remastering of the albums has probably been more time-consuming than recording them! The delay should also benefit our listeners, as the albums sound better after a professional remastering at Masterhuset in Oslo. This applies especially to "Neonism". The precise date for the reissues has not been fixed yet. It will happen sometime early in 2007. (I can hea you zacaztic whizzpelingz aleady...)


Solefald myspace
To reply to the original question of this thread, Black for Fire seems to flow better. Red for Fire had some great tracks (Sun I Call, Crater of the Valkyries, in particular), but it just felt too... broken up, I guess. The poem fucks up the flow, then you have a Sun I Call coda, then you have a 6 minute narrative as an album-ender. I just didn't feel it stood up very well on its own. It didn't feel complete.

Black for Death seems to hold together as an album a lot better, imo. Even the two Lokasennas don't disrupt the flow of the album because the music doesn't serve as background to the narrative. Also, I don't understand why having instrumentals is seen as a bad thing. Dark Waves Dying is probably Solefald's best instrumental, and Underworld is merely a brief jazzy interlude that's actually really cool.

The songwriting is also a lot stronger, I think. All the proper songs are really memorable and, hell, even catchy. They're also a lot more epic than most of the songs off Red for Fire: Queen in the Bay of Smoke, Allfathers, Necrodyssey, Sagateller; they're all epic as fuck.

In fact, Sagateller is probably my favorite Solefald song. Everything just meshes perfectly: the slow, epic crescendo, the awesome blastbeat-tastic climax, Lars' vocal arrangements, Cornelius' insane rasps, the lyrics. I probably would've voted for Black for Death on the basis of this song alone.
What is with the dumb inhaling singing, I thought these albums were going to be good till I heard that. I like the music a lot, but there's no talent in that inhaling garbage and it sounds terrible. I don't see how people can think that sounds good, it totally ruins everything.
I think the inhaling singing is cool. I don't care about something taking talent always, I think it sounds really cool, it gives a good feel for when he's trying to sound weak, and also when he's doing it in coordination with his shouting vocals he sounds really tough, and regardless, it doesn't override the albums so much to say that the albums aren't good regardless, in my opinion.

oggock, you share very similar views with me! I don't agree with all you say, but I think it's all valid points! High five!
I think if there was none of that inhaling crap, the band would be 10x better sounding. Don't get me wrong, everything else is phenomenal, but that singing could be done away with.
I think if there was none of that inhaling crap, the band would be 10x better sounding. Don't get me wrong, everything else is phenomenal, but that singing could be done away with.

First of all it's not "inhaling", it's some weird throaty rasp. It took me a few months to get into In Harmonia Universali because of it, but then I guess I just got used to it. I actually really like Cornelius' vocals on the Icelandic Saga. He sounds absolutely insane in parts (There is Need, Silver Dwarf).

I dunno, my only recommendation is to keep listening to them, you'll eventually get over them. Either that or listen to Neonism and Pills Against the Ageless Ills, where they didn't use that vocal style.
First of all it's not "inhaling", it's some weird throaty rasp. It took me a few months to get into In Harmonia Universali because of it, but then I guess I just got used to it. I actually really like Cornelius' vocals on the Icelandic Saga. He sounds absolutely insane in parts (There is Need, Silver Dwarf).

I dunno, my only recommendation is to keep listening to them, you'll eventually get over them. Either that or listen to Neonism and Pills Against the Ageless Ills, where they didn't use that vocal style.

They don't use it on The Linear Scaffold either.

I think he sounds INSANE too! Cornelius is one of the most dynamic vocalists I've heard in a LONG time in my opinion. He has a really firm grasp of the different musical atmospheres that come with different vocal styles and he's really good at sound scary, weak, crazy, intense, stupid, pompous and much more.
hahah, Cornelius will forever retain a certain quirky mysterious side as long as he writes lyrics like that every now and then. Perhaps those are some of the things he sells on the beach, as he's wearing his "shades" during his "daily routine."
for a person that seems to have such a big intellect, he certainly seems to have a great sense of humor.