Redemption "the Fullness of Time"


Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal
This is a great disc.

I am way into it and HIGHLY recommend it.

If you like Powerful music that is exremely well done it is a must. Its a monster release and kicks some serious ass. You will here a little of everything in this one, many great influences come through. It has a heavy progressive element to it but also brings the big guns into play with some incredible guitar and keyboards, the tones are huge! very tasteful intricate Piano mixed in and thunderous drumming that just kicks boot!

Nick Van Dyke pours his heart and soul into this one and it comes out in a big way. The lyrics are amazing as is the musicianship and brilliant songwriting. Just a great disc. Ray Alder gives an incredible vocal performance right from the start with "Threads" a GREAT song! one of my favorites this year.
I've heard great things about it. I wasn't too crazy about their first release.

Glad Ray is moving on, with the future of F.W. in doubt (as it always is w/Jim Matheos).

I recently heard "Threads" on the radio... great song, sounds like Prog Metal that's inventive for a change *gasp*! Apart from the technical riffs and the thick sound, which is standard nowadays, there's plenty of emotive, almost frightening melodies. I'm really interested in the album! (Riverside's new one as well.)
Threads is a brilliant song.

overall though, I favor their first release. Fullness is great and all, but it's so much like Fates Warning 2.0 that I find myself missing the dark and poetic atmosphere that was present on their first album. So far I think I am one of the few who hold this view, even the band themselves disagree!
thanks ed, for recommending this. i downloaded "threads" from the official website and, boy, does it kick butt! :headbang:
Ed-man, you were SO right...... you suggested I check out THREADS months back when it was offered on the label's site before the CD was released....

Man I LOVE this album - definitely some of Alder's best work in a long time (and I love Fates). His harmonzing during the last track AWLAYS gives me chills when I hear it - outstanding.

Great drumming, awesome keyboards.... this is in my top five for 2005 - you called it, bro!!! :worship: :headbang:
This says a lot about Ed and Enchant, they live for the music, so they don't hesitate to make public announcements about other bands whenever they find something really worthy. Thanks, man!! You're totally right, this album captures the essence of the early dream-theaterish sound but adding certain dose of aggressiveness. Powerful indeed!!

For some reason, it reminds me to the Sun Caged album.

Just out of the letterbox... :)

This is very dense and symphonic...just listening to 'parkers eyes'...
The drummer maybe does little too much...just like Portnoy in the earlier days...but still good. :headbang:
Got to give kudos where they are due, this album is definitely amazing. The songs are powerful and Nick has produced what may be the best Ray Alder performance to date. Keith & I listened to this a lot during Prog Power (and considering how many discs we picked up there you can imagine how great this album is to rise to the top of the playlist!) It would be amazing if the band could put a tour together to push this awesome disc.

OT - I am leaving on Monday for a quick tour with Jack Frost & Seven Witches, opening for Kamelot. I've heard great things about Kamelot but am unfamiliar with their music...any comments? If you're at the show be sure to say hi. See you on the road! :headbang:

Dave &, guys were right on the money with this one! That's got to have been one of the best prog metal albums I've ever heard! I've listened to it several times already! There's no "filler" songs on the disc, so I never got sick of listening to any songs, let alone got sick of listening to the entire album all of the way through! The musicianship is phenominal! As a musician, I often think, when listening to an album, this would be better if they did that or not done something else at all, etc...but not with this album! "The Fullness of Time" is a true masterpiece! :worship: I'd be estatic, if Redemption and Enchant could play PPVII! :OMG: :headbang:
@ eric
kamelot play a mixture of melodic and power metal. hard to explain really. they have arabian, spanish and italian influences here and there, and female and male guest vocals. they use a lot of instruments that mostly don't find their way into metal music, such as the bandeon, flute, shakuhachi and djembe.
and of course, there's roy khan, the former singer of conception. :tickled:
if u have the time, check out the official website at they have 2 videos from the latest album, a live performance from progpower, and full length mp3 sound samples. a personal note on the choice of sound samples: they aren't my personal faves, and imho they don't represent the band's versatility very well. but the 2 videos will give u an idea of how the overall sound of the latest album is. :)
purplica said:
@ eric
kamelot play a mixture of melodic and power metal. hard to explain really. they have arabian, spanish and italian influences here and there, and female and male guest vocals. they use a lot of instruments that mostly don't find their way into metal music, such as the bandeon, flute, shakuhachi and djembe.
and of course, there's roy khan, the former singer of conception. :tickled:

Hey thanks for the info. Sadly it looks like I am now not playing these dates with the Witches. . :erk: The label felt that the metalheads might not be ready for an onslaught of keyboards (i.e. laying down those cool dark sounds you always hear on Fuse). They were a little thrown by some of the textures on the new album (coming out in January) and I think they didn't want to alienate the diehard fans. (Someone should have told them that Kamelot is a prog band and a keyboard player would only help open the band to new fans. ; ) Bummer for me, but I wish someone would have said something earlier, so I woudln't have interrupted the work I am doing on a secret project....:headbang:

I'd still like to see Kamelot though, maybe I'll pop up just to see what all the fuss is about. Oh well, time to repack...
chynablue said:
Hey thanks for the info. Sadly it looks like I am now not playing these dates with the Witches. . :erk: The label felt that the metalheads might not be ready for an onslaught of keyboards (i.e. laying down those cool dark sounds you always hear on Fuse). They were a little thrown by some of the textures on the new album (coming out in January) and I think they didn't want to alienate the diehard fans. (Someone should have told them that Kamelot is a prog band and a keyboard player would only help open the band to new fans. ; ) Bummer for me, but I wish someone would have said something earlier, so I woudln't have interrupted the work I am doing on a secret project....:headbang:

I'd still like to see Kamelot though, maybe I'll pop up just to see what all the fuss is about. Oh well, time to repack...
Damn dude, that sucks! I just saw that you were even possibly touring with them and I was really looking forward to finally meeting someone else on this forum (besides Mare). That really is a shame that they decided on nixing the keys for the tour :( Funny thing is that my band is opening for the show this coming Thursday at Jaxx, we come on right before Witches and keys are a prominent part of our music too! :lol: I guess they don't realize that Kamelot is proggish.

In fact, you'd probably dig our keys player. Nevermind the fact that one of my main guitars is older than him, this dude can PLAY! He's 19, majoring in jazz performance (after classical training for years), and he is bad to the bone! So I guess now that you aren't touring with them, we will will be the only other band that night with keys.

Maybe next time since we opened for 7W when they played at Jaxx last Feb. too (my first show with OC).

Now to get Enchant at Jaxx (and PP of course)!!
Rick Pierpont said:
Damn dude, that sucks! I just saw that you were even possibly touring with them and I was really looking forward to finally meeting someone else on this forum (besides Mare). That really is a shame that they decided on nixing the keys for the tour :( Funny thing is that my band is opening for the show this coming Thursday at Jaxx, we come on right before Witches and keys are a prominent part of our music too!

See, now I am REALLY depressed!!!! And I've been getting notes from e-zines tonight to talk about the upcoming tour. The whole point of doing these shows are to finally meet folks like yourself, the musicians and the fans and the people who have a love for this music. It's a new sound, and these are the first shows (actually Thusday is the VERY first show) with Alan Techio on vocals, as well as a new bass player. A new tour is challenging enough without adding too many new players and elements. When you hear the new Witches album (I don't know how many fans there are on the Enchant board, although I've met quite a few) you'll see what the keys have added to the music, and can be the ultimate jury.

Have a great show Rick, I love your posts and would have liked to finally meet you too. I hate my life right now...:err:
oh eric, so sorry for ya! :cry:

but i don't understand the whole thing about the keys. :confused: kamelot have keys in their music, they just haven't had a keyboard player as a regular member in their band the last few years. only recently have they welcomed oliver palotai as a regular member, and he's on tour with them. they even have 2 keyboard solos from jens johansson on "the black halo". :Spin:

btw: a secret project, i hear ...? :err: