
General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
This was the one band I was most looking forward to. Unfortunately, such sentiment doesn't usually work out to be a blessing for the band. I find I have a tendency to burden artists, whose music I truly love, with unrealistic expectations. And to that end, I'm even more appreciative when a band can meet and/or exceed those expectations. So, with that in mind, a big thanks to Redemption for kicking my ass. You guys absolutely killed on Friday night.


REDEMPTION was on top of their game at Progpower I had seen them before and was somewhat disappointed but at Progpower they killed it.
I agree one thousand fold. On top of an excellent set, I was able to chat with the guys. Talked the most to Sean and Chris. Two of the nicest people I've met in any setting in life!

Kept running into Sean when walking around going to the bathroom, bar, or merch room. Had a great chat with him on their current success, recordings for the next CD, and future plans for the band. He had to be one of the best bass performances of the weekend. Hope to chat with him down the road again.

Chris was also a great conversation. I've always been impressed with his drumming with Redemption and seeing him live again was a treat, especially being on the floor for the set. I've heard of his other band but have not had the chance to listen to them. It was nice talking to him about Prymary and his drumming with them. I can't wait to order Tragedy of Innocence to hear more of Chris in his other band.

So thanks for the chat and great show!!!!
Origins of Ruin is my #1 record of 07 so far, and they were pretty much the reason I went to the last DT tour.

Unfortunately I couldn't go to ProgPower. I'm jealous of you all.
Redemption had the most amazing set. I'm so glad I got to see them again. One of the bands I had most wanted to see this time. NOw if I could only see them play Jaxx ;)

And I had said after the first time I had heard Sapphire......if I could just hear it live. It was worth EVERYTHING to see them play that.

Thank you Nick and company. Ya'll done broughteth it. *z snaps for Todd*
Redemption were amazing! I was lucky enough to be on the rail right in front of Nick and probably creeped him out by staring at him/his fingers for most of the 60 minute set. I think he tossed a few picks my way just so I'd spend a few seconds looking on the ground trying to find them instead of at him. LOL ;)
Sorry, Coldie~

Were you standing by Colleen? I totally didn't see you. I gave two of the picks away - one to a girl next to me (who had to endure my going crazy and shouting for an hour - hope she had earplugs) and the other to Colleen, since she is the Fates Warning webmistress and one of my PP roomies (and she in turn gave it to this other girl who was so overwhelmed at the gesture that I thought she might cry - in fact, that should have been on my "Cheers" list in the other thread.) If I had known/seen you I would have totally hooked you up. problemo. Scott & Denis made it to the floor. I usually sit now. The air is much better sitting higher up. Don't worry about it. :) Btw...totally glad to have met ya and made a new friend. You are way too funny *Jazz Hands*
Hell yeah. They kicked ass. Much better than on the Dream Theater tour IMO.


I agree with you there. I missed PP this year but did see Redemption at the DT Systematic Chaos Tour. I was kinda disappointed. But I'm glad to hear they rocked out at PP.
This was the one band I was most looking forward to. Unfortunately, such sentiment doesn't usually work out to be a blessing for the band. I find I have a tendency to burden artists, whose music I truly love, with unrealistic expectations. And to that end, I'm even more appreciative when a band can meet and/or exceed those expectations. So, with that in mind, a big thanks to Redemption for kicking my ass. You guys absolutely killed on Friday night.



Could not have said it better. This was my favorite band of the whole festival and they were amazing. And to finally meet Ray Alder was a bonus. :headbang:

It was great meeting you and your wife as well. :kickass:
Wow! I do the same thing, only I think I must have had WAY too high of expectations. When I saw them in Philly with DT, the sound was abyssmal even thought I thought they played great and Ray sounded very good even though he could barely speak. I told Barb and Mark how much they were going to crush at PP and wait until they hear Ray when his voice isn't tired.

I have been a HUGE fan of Ray from the moment No Exit came out and I heard him utter his first vocal line. I'm a huge fan of Redemption even more with Ray than with Corey (even though he's awesome in his own right). HOWEVER, while the band was tight, I thought that Ray's voice was horrible! :cry: I was SO disappointed in him. It sounded like he was straining for just about every note and he looked strung out. I still think they put on a great show as a band and the members I have met were very nice guys, but Ray is going to have to do something better the next time. I know what he is capable of! I hope that one of my former favorite vocalists can bring it back!