New Metal Member
haha, it's so true
well said
I dug Framing Armageddon from the start, but it truly got better with each listen, and stayed that way for quite a while. There's just something about Jon's style of playing that entrances me like no other guitarist...is it the tone, the speed, something else...all of the above? Not sure, but hey, why analyze it to deathI was careful not to try to overbuild my expectations for this one, but now that I've heard it, I'm not going to be able to maintain that kind of understated anticipation for Pt. 2
Thanx dude! Yeah, I love it more w/each listen to. Know the N.O.T.SR T-shirt? How it said: "A Revolution's Coming!" Well, that 'musical' Revolution is HERE! I.E. is leading the way into battle & putting Metal back where it belongs in this country!
& as far as what I said about the flack they take. Did you read all the BS in the thread about the unanncounced headliners for next year? It was titled "Final 2 headliners" or something. WTF???? Some dude said I.E. would bore him live!