The unofficial "Framing Armageddon" appreciation thread...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
There were a lot of differing opinions on this disc when it first came out. Obviously, it's far less straight forward than the average Iced Earth disc. I'm kind of curious to hear the forum's thoughts on it, now that there's been enough time to digest it.

Personally, I think it's a fantastic disc. I'm not sure if it met the unrealistic expectations I had for it, but it's certainly an awesome disc. Top 3 for sure, if not #1.

I love it. I went into it expecting a subpar album to be honest...I do not like their remake of the trilogy, and even their last album while having some good moments was pretty lame overall. This time around it was obvious the songs were written for Ripper because he fit in way better, and once I sat down with the lyric sheet in hand and read along with the whole story it gave me a whole new appreciation for the disc. There is a lot of stuff going on in the songs, and I think the end result is just plain awesome. Can't wait to hear part 2!
I enjoy it a whole lot more than I was expecting to. I think Ripper has come a long way since the last album. He uses his voice differently in this album and fits in a hell of a lot better - its likely his best performance. The songs are more interesting and less redundant than on some past Iced Earth albums, and it actually holds my interest through the entire CD. One of the best things about the album though is the production - these are the best guitar tones Schaffer has ever had (and he's had some good ones in the past). For his playing style and the material the rhythm tones are just perfect and make it very fun to listen to, at least from a guitarist's perspective. I am very jealous of his custom Larry amps! :mad:
It's not a bad disc but I'm definitely not 'oh my God this is freakin' amazing!!' by it either... I definitely enjoy Glorious Burden SOOOO much more, and actually here bits n' pieces of GB in some of FA's tunes...

I'm not put off by it, but I'll listen to GB before this one...

(and as far as best of '07's - a release in November is totally going to be #1 with MANY~!!) :worship:
I think it's a big improvement over TGB. The vocal lines are definitely more suited to Owens' voice than they were on the last disk, and the music has undergone quite a bit of an overhaul. Framing Armageddon sounds like a completely different band (which is probably a good thing considering the somewhat formulaic nature of the songs on TGB), and is a refreshing change from the direction Iced Earth were headed in. That being said, I don't think it's making my top 10 for the year.
I didn't care for it on the first few listens, then briefly warmed up to it some. That said though I haven't listened to it in weeks, so I guess my bottom line is that I'm a bit dissapointed. There's nothing there that's pulling me in.

It is not catching me like TGB did. I need to listen to it more but it is not knocking me out. I do like the diversity of all the different instruments they use to texture the sound. "Gettysburg" is just such an epic piece of music... I expected the next level out of the latest CD... I still need to listen to it more...
I'm very pleased with it actually. I went into it with kind of low expectations due to some negative comments said on this forum. I was basically won over after the first couple of spins.

An excellent album. Iced Earth is my favorite band, and I was a bit worried after hearing The Glorious Burden a few years back - A good cd, but not on par with most of their stuff.

Ripper's settling into place quite well with this new cd and I have a renewed faith in the band.
My first impression was that it was a solid but uneven release. Over time that impression has completely evolved to the point where I'm in total agreement with Zod - one of the top releases of the year.

I'll also continue to say that "The Domino Decree" is one of the greatest Iced Earth songs ever and also that ending of the title track is perhaps Ripper's best studio moment with the band (though certainly his performance on the trilogy on "The Glorius Burden" is otherwordly as a whole). Man, I get such a "Painkiller" vibe from that final scream (ironically).

I'm very pleased with it actually. I went into it with kind of low expectations due to some negative comments said on this forum. I was basically won over after the first couple of spins.


I couldn't have said it better myself Brian. Exactly my thoughts. Many of the songs easily get stuck in my head throughout the day. Tim is definitely finding his place in the band now. Jon did a great job writing this album with the Ripper's vocal style in mind.


This cd has gotten the most spins of any of my newer ones - including Overkill and Nightwish. ...of course I need to steal my Nightwish back from PatrickHoyt. :Smug:
I just had a chance to listen to it from beginning to end since I bought it at PP8 and I think this is easily one of the best of 2007. Ripper proves he is a great singer. From the first song I heard on the radio (Sirius) I knew I had to have this cd. I can't wait for the tour.
I've warmed up to it. I still think the second half of the disc meanders a bit, but overall it's stronger than TGB. "Ten Thousand Strong" proves that Jon can still writing a crushing metal tune when he wants to...
I've warmed up to it. I still think the second half of the disc meanders a bit, but overall it's stronger than TGB.
I use to think so as well. However, that might have more to do with the overall disc length. Next time you're so inclined to listen to it, try starting off half way through, with "The Clouding". See if that changes your perception about the second half at all.

"Ten Thousand Strong" proves that Jon can still writing a crushing metal tune when he wants to...
Yeah... people were very blasé about that track when it was released as the single. However, I think it's quite exceptional, from the opening scream, to the riffing, to the chorus, to the ending screams.
