Reign in Acai
Of Elephant and Man
Ellestin, That signature is fucking grogeous! Who here doesn't want to just pinch those cheeks?
EDIT- I retract my statement
EDIT- I retract my statement

-Vintersorg- said:
lurch70 said:this Isla is a winner ... best so far.
she's the nutty chick that gave Vince a handjob under the table in Wedding Crashers ... showed boob in there and all
MadeInNewJersey said:Rachel McAdams is still hotter, but yeah, that dinner scene was priceless.
my damn self said:Wedding Crashers
Pretty funny. Vince Vaughn's character totally shares my outlook on dating + I WANT A CRAZY REDHEAD LIKE THAT BINT. Oh fuck, she's insane! And hot! And CHRIST!
dorian gray said:i dont understand the appeal of that wedding crashers chick.
rachel mcadams does indeed win though. someone post a pic