Rediscovered Meshuggah - Catch 33 last night


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
blazed up and finally listened to it with "aided senses" as marcus would put it

i got the most vivid mental images, and also realised its probably the only album i still find legitimately, genuinely heavy
definately my favourite of meshuggah's

i also checked out obzen again and decided its not too bad actually, but still nothing in comparison to catch 33.
i couldnt even get through stengah when i put the Nothing re-release on it.. haha that might be one for tonight.

but yeah, in dis topix we praise catch 33 and its all-devouring heavyness :headbang:
Chaosphere is still my favorite Meshuggah album, but since DEI they have yet to put out an album that didn't at least qualify for 3.5 stars out of 5, pretty consistent band IMO.
I simultaneously love and hate the guitar tone on obZen.
For Meshuggah's style it's incredible, but for my own personal use it's useless, but I don't play djent either, so I guess that doesn't matter too much.
i find meshuggah generally too hyperactive
thats why i dig catch 33 so fucking much, and Nothing nearly as much.
more about just monging into the groove without having to think too much.

I remember my bassist from my old band (who is now a fucking jazz fascist, theory or fuck off type of guy, we're not on good terms) used to come into college and go GUYS I THINK IVE FIGURED OUT THE TIME SIGNATURE OF PRAVUS and i'd sit there thinking like, yeah that's very impressive but catch 33 goes completely over your fucking head.
but yeah, i have decided obzen is pretty good. im listening to it now and yeah, its definately one i am gonna give a bit more of a chance, maybe i judged it a little too harshly a while back.

catch 33 is still the fucking daddy though, goddamn, heaviest shit ever
Why the fuck do me and you have to have the shittest internet connections in the universe?
How nice.
I did the same thing recently................ :hotjump:

Check this dude out about light sound ... energy .,... and how everything is made up of that....
Then re-read some ( alot ) of meshuggah lyrics....they make more sense now.

Peace and love :Smokedev:
what about the I ep? imho it's like catch 33, but heavier, and it's more full of surprises i'd say.
best thing they've done so far as far as i am concerned
Since 'Chaosphere', 'obZen' was the only album by Meshuggah I've genuinely liked. The 'in-between' period just seemed like them experimenting in order to get from one to the other. I dig Catch 33, but to me it seems like more of an entire 'movement' that can get a bit yawn-worthy at times (though you'd be wise to remember I don't partake in the sticky shit, ever, so it's all sober-analysis), whereas 'obZen' is actually a collection of strong individual songs.
I will never forget the first time I heard Chaosphere in its entirety.

I was a changed man.

And then, Straws Pulled at Random happened.

I was a changed man, yet again.

And then..................

You get the point. ;)
@GarethSE: dude check out the band Car bomb! Meshuggah and Car bomd are the only purely metal bands these days that hold my interest!
Yeah, Gareth was a wee bit trashed when I was talking to him on msn just before he posted that:D
If he even remembers posting it I'll be surprised:lol: